View post (Got shafted on eBay... Kind of.)

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Joined: 10/08/08
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Joined: 10/08/08
Posts: 1,971
04/03/2010 12:11 am
Got a m-audio Fast Track Ultra off Ebay. Guy says it's brand new in the box. Ok... So I buy it. Gets here, everything looks good..... Up until I open the little box that has the power cord in it. It's a FRIGGEN British power cord.

Now, you THINK, since he is in the US, I'm in the US, he may have wanted to say something, but NOOOOOOOOOOO..... He decides to offload his European version onto some sucker.

Needless to say, you can insert very colorful words to describe what I think of him.
[U]Ricks Current Mystery Video[/U] - Updated Monday March/02/2015