Cry for help

Im really tempted to smash my guitar. Ive been stuck on the same thing for days now and its making me really mad. I know I just need to practice, but this is getting REALLY frustrating! I feel like Im moving at a snails pace. I suppose Im just looking for encouragement in general... or someone else who has recently had their guitar turn on them. Sorry, I have no guitar buddys to complain to so here I am. Anyway, somone should post something to make me feel better. :(
# 1

so what are you having problems doing?
when i get like that i walk away.
if it keeps happening i'll put it on the
back burner for a week. just get my mind
totally away from it by practicing something
remember, some things are just gonna go at a snails
pace. thats guitar, thats music, thats life.
the sooner you realize that the faster you will solve
your issue. that just seems to be how things work sometimes.
nothing we can do about it. dont give up, just keep moving.
when i get like that i walk away.
if it keeps happening i'll put it on the
back burner for a week. just get my mind
totally away from it by practicing something
remember, some things are just gonna go at a snails
pace. thats guitar, thats music, thats life.
the sooner you realize that the faster you will solve
your issue. that just seems to be how things work sometimes.
nothing we can do about it. dont give up, just keep moving.
another 80s metal fan.
# 2
You will eventually learn to takes time......sometimes: lots of time.......
I agree with electric circus.......when you feel frustrated; put the guitar down and do something WILL get just takes time...and when something takes time it takes patience as well.....something I'm sorely lacking in. So: if I can get it so can you. Hang in there. Keep us posted.
I agree with electric circus.......when you feel frustrated; put the guitar down and do something WILL get just takes time...and when something takes time it takes patience as well.....something I'm sorely lacking in. So: if I can get it so can you. Hang in there. Keep us posted.
# 3

# 4
NOBODY is good overnight...
Go slow, very slow. Take a few days off. There are times I wont touch my guitar for a week. But, when I come back, it feels great.
Go slow, very slow. Take a few days off. There are times I wont touch my guitar for a week. But, when I come back, it feels great.
[U]Ricks Current Mystery Video[/U] - Updated Monday March/02/2015
# 5
Originally Posted by: 101155Im really tempted to smash my guitar. Ive been stuck on the same thing for days now and its making me really mad. I know I just need to practice, but this is getting REALLY frustrating! I feel like Im moving at a snails pace. I suppose Im just looking for encouragement in general... or someone else who has recently had their guitar turn on them. Sorry, I have no guitar buddys to complain to so here I am. Anyway, somone should post something to make me feel better. :(
I think to add to what everyone was saying about patience, I would add that what you don't want to do is force it. You're trying to force yourself to be better. Your forcing yourself to move forward.
It's one thing to be diligent in your practicing but another in trying to make your experience further along that it actually is.
Key, I think, is that when you've reached a certain skill level, really spend some time getting that down. Nail what you know so that you can do it without thinking of it. Once you've done that, you are ready to grow to the next step.
Growth and improvement in anything is organic and is not going happen any faster than your physical body or brain will let it. It sounds like you're trying to work against that natural pattern.
A healthy work protocol is to not try to tackle broad skill jumps but to add on bits an pieces as you go. Your practice might be best served with spending a good but of time practicing/playing what you know now to keep that solid in your skill set. Some part of your practice should then add a little something to your skills. Build by small blocks and not broad strokes. Broad strokes will kill you and your will to play.
# 6

# 7

You're certainly not alone!!
Good advice from all there. I know I'm repeating what Circus and DRF have already said but I just thought of an analogy.
You know when you're trying to remember a fact or something and you just can't pull it out of your memory? Often as soon as you stop trying too hard or just stop trying at all it just pops into your mind!
So if you're frustrated with the guitar just walk away and let your unconcious work on it in the background. You may not think of your guitar at all in this time but when you do pick it up again something might just click.
Call your guitar names but don't smash it! :eek:
What's the particular thing is that's bugging you?
Stay with it and Good Luck!
Good advice from all there. I know I'm repeating what Circus and DRF have already said but I just thought of an analogy.
You know when you're trying to remember a fact or something and you just can't pull it out of your memory? Often as soon as you stop trying too hard or just stop trying at all it just pops into your mind!
So if you're frustrated with the guitar just walk away and let your unconcious work on it in the background. You may not think of your guitar at all in this time but when you do pick it up again something might just click.
Call your guitar names but don't smash it! :eek:
What's the particular thing is that's bugging you?
Stay with it and Good Luck!
[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]Youtube Channel - Jim47ww[/FONT]
# 8

Wow. I love GT land. Everyones so nice. Thanks for all the replies! Haha, I do call my guitar names... quite frequently actually. Sometimes I think I fight more with her than my sister! Anyway, Ive just started rock 1 and Im on the arpeggiation part. I thought maybe there was somthing in fundamentals Id passed over too quickly so I went back a few steps and I can arpeggiate house of the rising sun fine, and I can switch barre chords and barre chord shapes around fine, but when you put them together I dont know somthing happpens. Again, thanks for caring. You guys are great!
# 9
You got many good suggestions so there is not much I can add. Just drop me a line if you feel again to smash your guitar.
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