First solo(or solos) you learned

# 1
Had to think about that one for a second...I think the first one I ever really put my mind to was In The Mood by Rush. It was the first time the concept of a rock scale and an actual solo kinda melded together in my head and made some sense.
# 2

The first song I learned was 'Enter Sandman'. I used to be a huge Metallica fan, but I've toned it down a little now. Being a beginner, solos were much harder than riffs for me, and I tended to play them on the high E string only because that's the only string I felt comfortble with.
"When you're a young, long-haired guitarist, no one takes you seriously." - John Petrucci
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# 3

# 4

Funny, in 20 years I never learned a solo per se. I always used that space for improv. Although I have analyzed solos on paper to see the logic of the phrasing and whatnot.
# 5
Something offa ted nugent, the cat scratch fever album.
oh yeah, it was that nugent song the beasty boys later covered, was a guitar instrumental, uhhhhh. can't remember the name.
oh yeah, it was that nugent song the beasty boys later covered, was a guitar instrumental, uhhhhh. can't remember the name.
# 6

The first solos I learned were either Fade to Black by Metallica, or Paranoid... I'm not sure which came first...
# 7
The First 'solo' I learned was Billion Dollar Babies from Alice Cooper. It has teh pentatonic minor 'A' scale to start with I think it's a good one if your learning your scales.
"I need a girl who's as hot as my guitar."
# 8
I have a feeling it was Metallica's version of "Whiskey In The Jar" was that or the "God That Failed"....I've spent most of my time learning riffs...gonna start concentrating on a few solos though
Don't worry too much about me, ignore me long enough and I'll go away.
# 9

The first solo I ever mastered was probably
Zombie by the Cranberries...It's an easy solo, but I was proud as hell I could play it...
Hey here's another question...Which songs/bands are you currently studying?
(Maybe we can give eachother advice when someone's studying songs some of us already know...)
Lately i've been trying to improvise (kinda like knopfler)...Hard as hell, though!
Zombie by the Cranberries...It's an easy solo, but I was proud as hell I could play it...
Hey here's another question...Which songs/bands are you currently studying?
(Maybe we can give eachother advice when someone's studying songs some of us already know...)
Lately i've been trying to improvise (kinda like knopfler)...Hard as hell, though!
# 10

Right now I'm really into Vai, Satriani, and Rhoads. I've pretty much got Metallica down. If anyone wants to discuss them, cool.
"When you're a young, long-haired guitarist, no one takes you seriously." - John Petrucci
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# 11
# 12
And... The first solo I learned was in Nirvana`s smells like teen spirit. It`s really easy but it was fun to play back then...
# 13

The first solo(if I may call it a solo) I ever learned was the intro in 'Johnny B. Goode'. It wasn´t the original version though.
/Johan Lindgren
# 14
Johan is right. I think Johnny B Goode was my first too. I'm so old I forget stuff. 

# 15

Originally posted by opl2000:
I`m into Buckethead and all the bands he plays in. I`m also a huge Primus fan.

# 16

Black Magic Woman by Santana. A pretty
simple intro and solo. I got into neoclassical after that(1986) but I always
keep up with the blues tone and improv .
simple intro and solo. I got into neoclassical after that(1986) but I always
keep up with the blues tone and improv .
# 17
I don`t have cora strike: 13th scroll, but my friend said that it`s good. Praxis` transmutation is really good.
# 18

the first solo i ever learned was the solo to the acoustic version of Layla by EC.
Jake Sommers
Jake Sommers
"Take my hand boss"
# 19

Don't think I've ever actually "learned" a solo. I've learned a few lick from solos though. I think the first things I started picking up were Tony Iommi licks. I just loved his stuff. By todays standards his leads aren't that impressive. I just always lean more toward "feel" that technical expertise. For the most part I really hate learning other artists work. Sure I pick up a piece here or there. But I've just never been one to say "Cool I can play that song all the way through", I prefer to write.
That which you can not cure,
you must endure!
you must endure!
# 20