i am new here

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01/24/2002 4:13 am
i am new here...i will be terrorizing this board with a million questions....i have been looking for a good place to ask skilled guitar players questions.....looks like i have found my new home :)...

look forward to meeting you all...sounds like a nice board...hope you guys can help me out! :)
Pray for Jason Becker
# 1
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01/24/2002 5:43 am
oh and ps...
i play the electric guitar....i am 15....my gear is two guitars...
Ibanez Stage Star
Yamaha Drop 6

i have a Fender Deluxe amp...
and a GT5 BOSS processor....i wish i knew how to use a lot of it...but i only know limited and am reading more :)
Pray for Jason Becker
# 2
is Super Fabulous
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is Super Fabulous
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01/24/2002 6:53 am

Well, I suppose you knew it was only a matter of time before someone gave the traditional "welcome aboard" message.

So . . . without any further delay, I bid thee - "Welcome aboard!!!" I'm sure you'll find this place most useful. :)

# 3
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01/24/2002 9:19 am
welcome my freind.. hope you dont do what normally happens which is that you post 2 mesages and then never come back...
# 4

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01/24/2002 5:24 pm


I hope you'll enjoy this forum as much as I do.

Just one quick thing, take a good look around the website. Most of your questions can be anwser there. It's a big knowledge database for guitar.

For more technical stuff and just to chat about guitar, this forum is one of the best.

See ya
# 5
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01/24/2002 8:15 pm
yup its probably the best site on the net for the shear volume of stuff you can learn here. Don't forget about the guitartricks search button. I see people all the time asking questions in the forum on how to play something when all they'd have to do is a simple search and probably get 100 tabs with MP3 files.
Hey you kids! Get outta that Jello tree!! :mad:
# 6
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01/24/2002 9:46 pm
YEaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah a new member..... a new member............
# 7
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01/28/2002 6:39 pm
Life is the story
You're the story teller.
The guitar is your mouth.
Or your mouth is the guitar
# 8
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01/29/2002 8:31 pm
is it just me or is david smart?
if you don't write songs, you sure should man.
# 9
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01/30/2002 9:54 am
It's just you :-)
To be earnest wth you,I'm flaterred you find me smart(is it that HO or is the signature?)
Anuway,I don't write songs.But I will,when I feel ready to.There's a guy(I can't remember his name,and I can't interfere with this post to check)who talked about thinking things his guit dexterity doesn't allow him to execute,or hearing things(or was it songs?)in his mind that he can't play.I think it was two guys who expressed such sentiments,and I think one of them was that guy with a hard name,lami......I think it's like that with me and songwriting.Once I'm good enough such that I can meld my emotion and my playing,I'll write the songs.All I do now is collect together whateva ideas that cross my mind(I carry a notebook with me-you get ideas at the strangest of times and places).

[Edited by kingdavid on 01-30-2002 at 09:29 AM]
# 10
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01/31/2002 8:38 pm
Yoooo, I'm Lami... whatever....

I said that you should have enough technique on your instrument so that you aren't bounded by your lack of chops.
And that's a good point you're making...
# 11
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01/31/2002 9:59 pm
Anyone notice how frettycrouger posted twice (as I had hoped he wouldn't) and hasn't come back... AM I PSYCIC?
# 12
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02/01/2002 9:45 am
Originally posted by educatedfilm
Anyone notice how frettycrouger posted twice (as I had hoped he wouldn't) and hasn't come back... AM I PSYCIC?

Maybe you're psycic,maybe you're not.
But give the guy(or girl,tho' I don't see how a girl could choose such a name,tho' she could)is just reading the replies,and will post again.
Or maybe he was taken ill.
Or his(her?)computer broke down.
Or maybe you're a psycic :-}
# 13
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02/01/2002 11:54 am
balls.... He posted a 3rd one just to annoy me... lol.. I saw that he was active and around yesterday (it says who's active at the bottom of the "guitar tricks forum" page)...
# 14
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02/01/2002 2:44 pm
Originally posted by kingdavid
Originally posted by educatedfilm
Anyone notice how frettycrouger posted twice (as I had hoped he wouldn't) and hasn't come back... AM I PSYCIC?

Maybe you're psycic,maybe you're not.
But give the guy(or girl,tho' I don't see how a girl could choose such a name,tho' she could)is just reading the replies,and will post again.
Or maybe he was taken ill.
Or his(her?)computer broke down.
Or maybe you're a psycic :-}

This isn't really a post;I'm just trying out some stuff on posting,to see how I can make something to be in italics or bold..These things(the italicsand [B] bold stuff helps express emphasis more since youcan't hear myvoice.
# 15
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02/01/2002 2:49 pm
Now I know how this stuff works.I noticed those things that appear when you click on quote,so that in your reply you quote someone else,and figured that these were the things that make it appear that way.I was right.
Now,don't you guys think that when someone becomes a member,they should be sent an e-mail to tell them about the site,how to go about it,blah,blah,blah....?
# 16
Big as Elvis, Baby
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Big as Elvis, Baby
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02/01/2002 3:45 pm
NO!, it's too much fun watching people screw up, hey btw some guy named Uriah the Hittite said he didn't like your advice about women.......btw revisited, Welcome to the site
# 17
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02/01/2002 4:30 pm
Originally posted by pstring
, ...hey btw some guy named Uriah the Hittite said he didn't like your advice about women.......

I read in the bible that Uriah had a very beautiful wifey,who King David liked,and had Uriah sent to the thick of the battle,where he was killed so Kingdavid could have the babe.Is this why this guy doesn't like my advice about women? :D

Anyway,if he has the time,tell him to pick it up with me privately.My address is dwanjiru@yahoo.com

[Edited by kingdavid on 02-11-2002 at 11:18 AM]
# 18
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02/02/2002 1:44 pm
Originally posted by lalimacefolle
Yoooo, I'm Lami... whatever....

I said that you should have enough technique on your instrument so that you aren't bounded by your lack of chops.
And that's a good point you're making...

Right now,I feel,my lack of chops binds me.But not for ever.Hell no.
# 19
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02/02/2002 2:54 pm
Originally posted by educatedfilm
Anyone notice how frettycrouger posted twice (as I had hoped he wouldn't) and hasn't come back... AM I PSYCIC?

[/i]So is anybody stalking me too?[/i]
Guitar Tricks Moderator

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