Progress is very slow and incremental, and many mistakes are being uncovered but intentions are sincere and there is a consistent effort to improve the content and consistency within the site. Slow, very slow and steady are the apparent available speeds here.
Please feel free to take a look and offer your constructive - emphasis on constructive - criticism. Lord knows there has been plenty of criticism but all received with the good nature we hope is intended.
Hopefully, no thunder stolen from this great site. :)
Site works relatively well with Macs but not so well with PCs. Sigh!
Thanks. Now pick up that guitar and play!
Appreciate the constructive criticisms received and have initiated a response effort. Honest, I don't know what I was thinking with the initial fretboard layout but it made sense at the time. I estimate I am about 25% through a revision effort.
Once again, your suggestions are valued, and, once again this site is intended for beginning guitarists and will hopefully have a diagram or two that might be of value. Gracias.