Hi! I'm new! R U ?

Just discovered this site tonight and WOW!!! I'm really impressed with all of the learning potential here!!! Still working on the free lessons and plan to upgrade!! I've played guitar for quite awhile, but need to invest more time to develop my skills. This certainly seems like the right place to do that!!
# 1

Most members would agree! Welcome to the site! :)
...so ever since then, I always hang on to the buckle.
# 2

# 3

Ditto... 3 months in and love this site. :)
Ken Sturgeon
[SIZE="1"]Taylor 114ce
Gretsch G5120[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Taylor 114ce
Gretsch G5120[/SIZE]
# 4

Hi GuitarPickinGal,
Good to see another new person here. I tried the free membership....for about 20 minutes, then upgraded. I think this site is just what I'm looking for.
Have fun!
Good to see another new person here. I tried the free membership....for about 20 minutes, then upgraded. I think this site is just what I'm looking for.
Have fun!
# 5

I joined 2 weeks ago. I think GT is worth every single penny. :)
Royen, your guitar buddy
Royen, your guitar buddy
# 6

ya, i have been playing for 6 months self taught, then started this site and improved greatly. i love this site!
(chicken pickin )
# 7

Originally Posted by: GuitarPickinGalJust discovered this site tonight and WOW!!! I'm really impressed with all of the learning potential here!!! Still working on the free lessons and plan to upgrade!! I've played guitar for quite awhile, but need to invest more time to develop my skills. This certainly seems like the right place to do that!!
Just so happy to know I'm not the only new member. Discovered GT last night and I'll soon be a full member. I think this is the greatest guitar site for self taught learners like myself. looking forward to improve my guitar playing. And this is definitely the right place.
# 8

Got a guitar about a year ago, and I've been following the cd but have'nt gotten far. Viewed this site about 5 mos ago, and well you see im here. Never thought it would be so difficult to learn. With three kids maybe its having time to really practice w/o annoying everyone including my wife ha ha.
Well I'm gonna really get after it, and see what I can do.
Well I'm gonna really get after it, and see what I can do.
# 9

Found this site in October/November got in on the special membership drive in November. I'm luv'n it. Already have learned quite alot. Check out the insturctors and diffenrent styles. I think you'll find whatever it is you are looking for. See ya around keep pickin and havin fun.
# 10

Been using this site for a few months and love it also. Practicing generally is after 9pm for me so good to know this site never sleeps!
# 11

I have been using this site for a couple year now and idid learn lot good site to improve on every level
# 12

Originally Posted by: roadhog74Got a guitar about a year ago, and I've been following the cd but have'nt gotten far. Viewed this site about 5 mos ago, and well you see im here. Never thought it would be so difficult to learn. With three kids maybe its having time to really practice w/o annoying everyone including my wife ha ha.
Well I'm gonna really get after it, and see what I can do.
Hey Roadhog74, just stick to it. I recommend waking an hour or two before your family to practice.
# 13

I have been on the site for about 3 months now and what a learning experience it has been. I have been playing for 35 years and to be honest my guitar playing had stagnated, but this site oepned up a whole new world. I am finally getting the hang of playing lead electric. I have been primarily an acoustic player and singer. I knew how to do what I did pretty well but it was getting old covering the same ground time and time again. I am going to be here for awhile for sure!
# 14
Hi all new people! I am in the same boat as many on this site. I had been playing off and on for years learning by ear and from books.
I decided to get serious about learning last May. This site is great. There is so much to learn and so many styles. I have improved quite a bit since I joined. Now that they have been adding full song lessons, I am really excited and inspired to get good enough to play the ones I really like!
Keep practicing and playing. As with anything, the only way to get good is spend a lot of time doing it!
You will also find all of the teachers are great and more than happy to answer your questions and give tips and pointers!
I decided to get serious about learning last May. This site is great. There is so much to learn and so many styles. I have improved quite a bit since I joined. Now that they have been adding full song lessons, I am really excited and inspired to get good enough to play the ones I really like!
Keep practicing and playing. As with anything, the only way to get good is spend a lot of time doing it!
You will also find all of the teachers are great and more than happy to answer your questions and give tips and pointers!
# 15
Originally Posted by: kjproHey Roadhog74, just stick to it. I recommend waking an hour or two before your family to practice.
I'm sure they'd love being woken up by shredding with the amp turned up to 11 at 5 in the morning!
I joined 2 days ago in the middle of night shift madness, and I'm impressed by what I've seen so far. I'm pretty hopeless, apart from two or three songs I learnt to butcher last year. Onwards and upwards...
# 16

I used to bang on the guitar...15+ years ago and started again. I have learned more in three weeks than I ever knew before. Yes, guitar tricks was and is worth the money.
# 17

# 18
Wow; the support system on this forum is very exciting to see. I am very thrilled to see so much interaction and support amongst everyone. Keep up the good work and stay tuned for more and more lessons for the new year. :)
Douglas Showalter
# 19

Originally Posted by: kjproHey Roadhog74, just stick to it. I recommend waking an hour or two before your family to practice.
Well I'm moving right along.. learned more in the last week than the last 6 mos. with any cd. Love this site.
Thanks for the reply and encouragement!
# 20