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jesse sutton
Joined: 01/15/02
Posts: 61
jesse sutton
Joined: 01/15/02
Posts: 61
09/08/2002 7:32 pm
okay i am here to say that CANADA KICKS ASS. i know there are bands that suck that happen to be from canada, obviously, but i know that a lot of bands from here are great. Why you ask? because there is so much inspiration to come from this land as well as every country. We sing and play about the mountains and the green fields, and the beautiful surroundings. we sing about our gorgeous women, and how we love them dearly. we sing about our super-strong beer and good times with our buddies. we sing about the sports we love to play and watch and follow. we play for what we feel to be the greatest country on the planet.

this is what it is like to be a true canadian musician. but of course every country has the same thing. it doesnt matter where you are from, as long as you are playign for the write reasons. playing for your emotions and the things you love or hate or whatever. so if you are from the states and you sing about the same things as mentioned above then you are also one to be great with music. are you necessarily a good musician? no. but you are on the write track. this is why we love our bands, from no matter what genre, whether its The Hip, or BTO, or Guess Who, or Rush, or whatever.

The whole point of music, IMO, is to feel good, its about the times in your life that cant be expressed through words, only music. its about playing you heart out, to some mindless dribble, that could mean everything to you. its about pouring your soul out into a few notes or chords or the words on the paper. this is what its all about.

now do canadians represent this more? hell no! every country has people that play music because its what they love doing. but of course canadians will bicker and say our country is the best, just the same as every other country.

so i will close by saying... CANADA KICKS ASS

jesse sutton
life is all about having sex with beautiful women.