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Otto Ray Sing
Registered User
Joined: 11/27/09
Posts: 41
Otto Ray Sing
Registered User
Joined: 11/27/09
Posts: 41
11/27/2009 5:44 am
I'm new here, but this is my third time at the guitar. My first attempt was when I was a youth. I had a junk guitar, and a teacher that was obviously used to people that had prior musical knowledge. The next attempt was twenty plus years ago. I had a good guitar, but a cheap guitar, and I was teaching myself. I was doing fairly well, but economic conditions forced me to have to sell my equipment.

This time I've got a very good guitar, Fender Stratocaster, and a good amp, Ibanez Mimix65. I've been working with it for a couple of months, and I'm making good progress, but there's much that I need to learn, and I want to learn it correctly. After much searching, I feel that this site best suits my needs.

I now live in Kodiak Alaska, but I'm originally from Oskaloosa Iowa. I was involved in dirt track stock car racing when I was younger, and have a love for classic cars, especially Chevrolet Impalas from 1958-76.
We grow too soon old, and too late smart.