I was trying to remeber american bands with that "special" sound... Straight away... I remembered REM's two albums "murmer" and "up"... but the band have distanced them selves from both, which is weird (considering it's their best stuff)... but really I'm struggling... cos It's hard enough to find out about the type of bands I'm talking about, when they're from the country your in, let alone from abroad..
DOH! looks like I was quick to asume wrongly about SUM41.. Ok, I'm a dumb ass...
Christoph: yep:D... I had major exams... And I've finsihed today! normally i'd be happy... but It's not very sunny, and I've got a nine month long "holiday", which is actaully pretty daughnting...
Just remembered... some of Grandady's stuff like "he's simple, he's dumb, he's the pilot" is one of those tracks.
[Edited by educatedfilm on 01-18-2002 at 06:54 AM]