ex. now when someone says there playing at 200bpm's theres gotta be something else to it cause i always thought that was really fast but its actually kinda slow i think
just need some help any help would be cool
Originally posted by lalimacefolle
If you play a note every 'clic' you play in quarter notes
of you play two, you play eighth
if you play 3 you play triplets
if you play four, you play 16th
if you play eight you play 32nds
If you play a note every two clics you play half notes (the ones who are not filled in)
If you play a note every 4 clics, then it's the longest one (round and no stem, don't know its name in english)
Originally posted by lalimacefolleAssuming 4/4 time signature, that is a whole note. Seriously.
If you play a note every 4 clics, then it's the longest one (round and no stem, don't know its name in english)