I have read a lot about it,and it seems like a good guitar for the money. If any of you have one,let me know what you think of it.
Just curious,I'll probably buy one if it feels good in my hands... :cool:
Always capitalize "BLUES"
Always capitalize "BLUES"
Always capitalize "BLUES"
Always capitalize "BLUES"
Originally Posted by: RazboThe waiting will hurt! :(
Always capitalize "BLUES"
Originally Posted by: Dirty BillI'll do that. Not sure what my opinion would be worth though.. :rolleyes: :cool:
Originally Posted by: JeffS65Plenty. Everyone has a perspective. If you're just starting to learn the blues, I bet you'll have a few things you've fiddled with and will be able to relay how your early journey has gone using the instrument.
...and for the record, the pick up position for the near ultimate bluesy (a la SRV) tone is the middle position between the neck and middle pick up. It gets that throaty honk and less buzz. In case you didn't already know that...
Always capitalize "BLUES"
Always capitalize "BLUES"
Always capitalize "BLUES"
Always capitalize "BLUES"
Always capitalize "BLUES"
Always capitalize "BLUES"