What Should Lisa (McCormick) Do?

Bryan Hillebrandt
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Bryan Hillebrandt
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09/24/2009 10:00 pm
If you've been around Guitar Tricks for a while, you no doubt know Lisa McCormick, one of our amazing instructors.

We're very excited to let you know that Lisa is going to be here in the Guitar Tricks studios to record some new lessons.

The thing is, we need to know what you folks would like to see her teach.

Is there something you've wanted her take on? Have you gone through all her tutorials and lessons and can't wait for her to give you the next step on your way?

Just reply to this topic with your ideas and we'll run them by Lisa.
# 1
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09/25/2009 5:10 am
More Celtic lessons would be great

# 2
Mick J
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Mick J
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09/25/2009 10:26 am
+1 on that.

Having a large Irish family on my mothers side, a few of whom are very good musicians, I would love to be able to join in with them on one of my frequent visits.
# 3
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09/25/2009 1:30 pm
Lisa should give us a full length rendition of one of her song projects - Black Jack Davey.

That would be awesome!!
# 4
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09/25/2009 2:09 pm
Originally Posted by: Bryan HillebrandtIf you've been around Guitar Tricks for a while, you no doubt know Lisa McCormick, one of our amazing instructors.

We're very excited to let you know that Lisa is going to be here in the Guitar Tricks studios to record some new lessons.

The thing is, we need to know what you folks would like to see her teach.

Is there something you've wanted her take on? Have you gone through all her tutorials and lessons and can't wait for her to give you the next step on your way?

Just reply to this topic with your ideas and we'll run them by Lisa.

Hello, good show for her. More Blues lessons would be great. Thank you.
# 5
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09/25/2009 4:27 pm
I am learning soooooo much from Lisa's teachings...she is a fantastic instructor...I would love to learn celtic songs and maybe a little more on fingerpicking...I DO have a specific question...My guitar neck is slighty too big (WIDE) and I don't have the money to buy another guitar...I'm female and my fingers just won't reach...I'm having trouble with F, C, and Dm...or anything that you have to stretch over 3 frets...and I have trouble with barring...is there any exercise that will help my fingers to stretch and eventually reach...?
# 6
Al McKay
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Al McKay
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09/25/2009 5:25 pm
I didnt know she was a song writer but it would be very interesting to here her talk about what she does to write a song, the mechanics and also how she comes up with the music for the songs.
# 7
Gibson 335
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Gibson 335
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09/25/2009 10:48 pm
Hi :)
I Think Lesa is a fine instructor. I would like to learn some small cords, like cord fragments I guess I probably know the cord shap but where am I on the fret board to know what key am I playing in if you know what I Mean?? :confused:
Rock N Roll Baby
# 8
Peter vickers
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Peter vickers
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09/26/2009 10:56 am
Hi Guys,

Thanks for the opportunity to ask Lisa a question/advice.

I have completed the finger picking lessons and would like to know if she could put more finger picking patterns for us to learn and a few popular songs that go with a particular pattern.

For example: (but just a suggestion so know what I mean)

Simon and Garfunkle.........................Sound of silence pattern
Niel Diamond...................................Play Me
Day is Done....................................John Prine
Norwegian Wood..............................Beatles

The above are just sample but because I am new to guitar playing I can't work out the patterns myself and therefore hope Lisa will help me an others.

Thanks for a great site guys and gals


Any Uk people fancy getting in touch??
# 9
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09/26/2009 5:05 pm
Wow, awesome ideas everyone!

Keep 'em coming, and I'll try to get to as many of your requests as I can during our day in the studio.

Lisa McCormick, GT Instructor
Acoustic, Folk, Pop, Blues

Full Catalog of Lisa's Guitar Tricks Tutorials
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# 10
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10/02/2009 1:20 pm
I would like to see someone do a session on adding "spanish style" licks, chords, progressions or rythym to songs for that western sound.

Lots of folks from Marty Robbins to Robert Earl Keene, and of course the electric classic"ghost riders" have added "spanish or ranchero style" riffs to give those songs that dusty "out in the west" or cowboy feel.

I have been trying to do this on my own, but i just dont get it...yet
# 11
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10/02/2009 2:45 pm
I'll just second what Pete Vickers said. I'd love more finger picking examples and popular / folk songs to use em in.

Maybe some thoughts on playing with piano accompaniment or a suggestion or two for tunes to start off with. (I'm learning guitar and the kiddo is doing piano and it would be cool to play together)
# 12

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10/03/2009 3:24 am
Hi all, I'd like Lisa to explain the logical progression of mastering acoustic guitar from her experience. Where did she start and what are the obvious steps in her progression of skillset and style. From the start of her music career to where she is now.
I've been playing a couple of years and the biggest challenge for me is knowing what to try next.
# 13
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10/04/2009 6:06 pm
Hi Lisa

A humble request from Scandinavia

What about a beautyful Irish Hymn,"Be thou my vision" . I play it with my fiddle according to instructions by Ian Walsh on www.OnlineLessonVideos.com , you may watch and hear Him playing this beautyful tune on this specific key of E or B flat, which one I dont know(its hard to hear what key He mentioned).Of course on guitar, we may always use a Capo, it may be easier to arrange on a step lower in a major key

My highest wish is receiving an arrangement of this for guitar, some accompaniments only, strummings with fills would do the trick ,especially for all singers in the world.I do have a World touring A Cappella Harmony singing Group, I´ve never heard anyone singing this either.

Thank You
Eero, Sweden
Better strings
# 14
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10/08/2009 5:57 pm
Originally Posted by: LorisangelI am learning soooooo much from Lisa's teachings...she is a fantastic instructor...I would love to learn celtic songs and maybe a little more on fingerpicking...I DO have a specific question...My guitar neck is slighty too big (WIDE) and I don't have the money to buy another guitar...I'm female and my fingers just won't reach...I'm having trouble with F, C, and Dm...or anything that you have to stretch over 3 frets...and I have trouble with barring...is there any exercise that will help my fingers to stretch and eventually reach...?

Get a capo and play further up the neck.

If it is any source of encouragement I've seen people with small hands do just fine on the guitar. You might want to have someone check your arm and hand position to make sure that you are in the correct position to maximize your span.
# 15
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10/14/2009 9:54 pm
you are great Lisa anything really you showed me so much..but if I may suggest MR.Bojangles, Last steam engine train, that would be great
# 16
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10/19/2009 3:16 am
If you haven't heard Lisa and Neal Walters jam on Lisa tune, you need to do it..
I recieved the link in my Guitar Tricks newsletter
# 17

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