Originally Posted by: Neal WalterI LOVE that song, the groove is awesome and I have the CD. He's the guy that also did 'Dream Weaver' -"I belive we can reach the morning light..". Another one of my all time favorites from that time is Peter Brown - Dance With Me with Betty Wright, he went on to co-write "Material Girl" by Madonna..also Nick Gilder - Hot Child in the City , I Love that song!
So many of us children of the 70's seem to be closet fans of 70's AM pop cuz I LOVE every one of those you mentioned. I remember back in the band days, i was at a party talking to a guy in a Slayer shirt and I can't remember how we got on the subject be he blurts out that he loves ABBA. Funny, since it was kind of a bunch of guys from the local scene, all these long hairs kinda look and go 'Oh ya, love ABBA'...and I was thinking all that time 'no one better know this...'