This may have been covered elsewhere, but I am too lazy to search for it tonight... What is your favorite tuner?
The reason I ask is this... I have 3, and none of them seem to agree with each other. First is the Planet Waves Chordhamster, second a Korg GA-30 and third the built in on my Line 6 Spider Jam, and FBV Express.
Interesting enough, if I use the reference tuner from here (Mr Schlegel has a great tutorial on it) my tunings seem to land in the middle of the others, but sound better to my ear than the other tuners, which will show sharp or flat.
*** edit ***
I think I just turned this into a multiple part question, or better asked... What is your favorite method of tuning? Going with a electronic gadget, or what your ears say?
It's better to regret something that you have done than something you haven't.