I thought it would be pretty cool to hit some pawn shops along my way..maybe in VA or the Carolinas...Ive always wanted to check it out...see what I run into.
hard thing is being on the road and having to make a decision and a good one at thatI dont want to jump on something but I dont want to just let a good deal go either.I most likely wont be able to go back to the same place...unless we worked it into the route on my way back....its all up in the air...
In the end Its not like I am set on even getting anything...I just figured if something was meant to be and it was the right time etc...it would be there staring at me.
Im sure there will be a lot to see and im not up on models and prices....we will have access to the internet for quick look ups and such so that is a plus
but ...any pointers?
How do you avoid getting scammed....
are pawn shops typicaly out to get you?
Thanks for the input