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03/08/2009 2:42 pm
Hello, my name is Casper and i would love somebody to help me with this

And it's about Bar chords!

I can play all the bar chord shapes. all but ''ONE''!

The A major Bar chord shape is nearly impossible for me. When i try the one using all four fingers they get so loaded on the one fret the they just touch all the other strings. And when i try with the 2 finger bar my whrist hurts really much!

Do somebody have any suggestions?
# 1
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03/16/2009 2:23 am
Yeah it is one of those practice things. You have to build up the strength in your wrist. Just have to take your time. Don't play in pain but every time you practice you will be able to play a bit longer until the strength builds up. It is just one of those practice, practice, practice things that there is no way around. Stick with it,
I stay in the dog house its easier that way...
# 2
Kevin Taylor
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03/16/2009 2:41 am
Yep, we can definitely help.
Can you go into a little more detail though.

I'm just a little confused about whether you're talking about actual barre (bar) chords or not.

For instance, the A Major barre chord is the same as the G Major, F Major, B Major etc etc.. all you do is move the same shape up and down the fretboard.

I'm puzzled as to how you're able to play all but the A Major.
If you already know how to play a B Major barre chord, all you have to do is move it down by two frets and you're playing an A Major barre chord.
# 3
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03/16/2009 5:32 am
Hey caponi14,
Are you talking about the bar with the index finger in the 2nd fret?

# 4
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03/16/2009 11:45 pm
Ahh I was guessing he meant the basic shapes :eek: Sorry if I misunderstood the original question. Either way barre chords definitely take some getting used too especially on an acoustic guitar. I can't play an A shaped barre chord unless I only use two fingers because my fingers are too fat.
I stay in the dog house its easier that way...
# 5
Kevin Taylor
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03/17/2009 2:19 am
heh... every time you guys mention fat fingers, I keep thinking that there must be a 'Guitar Players Hand Weight Loss Clinic' or something.
Guys all sitting around doing little hand pushups and jogging their little fingers around the table. :)
# 6
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03/18/2009 11:28 pm
I did have a thought/observation to make. Barre chords don't have to be help perfectly vertical on the fret board. I don't know if this is what many just starting in the barre shape but I've noted a few people I've shown barres too that try to get the index finger to stand perfectly at attention. I've seen may guitar players that hold the barre and the index may have a slight bend to it. A good example that got me thinking again was watching one of Chris's Joe Pass style vid and noted that his barre is pretty curved.

Thought I'd mention it.
# 7
Ebow is cool
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03/21/2009 12:52 am
Sometimes I play sus2 barre chords instead of the major, they are easier and sound nice. But not as an excuse to learn them right first... keep on practicing!
# 8
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03/21/2009 12:56 am
It's not the one chord i can't do, it's the shape.

The A major bar chord shape.

It's just that if i use all my fingers and cramp them together they won't fit at all, and if i use the shape where you make 2 bars with the ''point dexter'' (index) finger and the ''wedding finger'' (ring) my ring finger will hit the high E string

It's really annoying!

Is there a way to solve it without me breaking my ring finger, just to get it to bend above the High E?
# 9
Ebow is cool
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Ebow is cool
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03/21/2009 12:58 am
I like to play sus2 barre chords sometimes instead of the major. They sound cool and they're easy to play, but not as an excuse to play them right first... Keep practicing! =)
# 10
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03/21/2009 1:24 am
Originally Posted by: caponi14The A major bar chord shape.[/quote]
Have you tried your index finger and pinky?

Like this:

E |-----|
B |--4--|
G |--4--|
D |--4--|
A |--2--|
E |-----|

Check this lesson for options on how to deal with the B chord:
[QUOTE=caponi14]Is there a way to solve it without me breaking my ring finger, just to get it to bend above the High E?

It's not absolutely necessary to get the high E string to ring.

When you need to get that note to ring try an inversion shape like this:

E |--2--|
B |--4--|
G |--4--|
D |-----|
A |-----|
E |-----|

Hope this helps. Let us know!
Christopher Schlegel
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# 11
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03/21/2009 3:25 am
Originally Posted by: caponi14It's not the one chord i can't do, it's the shape.

The A major bar chord shape.

... if i use the shape where you make 2 bars with the ''point dexter'' (index) finger and the ''wedding finger'' (ring) my ring finger will hit the high E string

I have this trouble too, and often simply play a barred seventh instead, as in this B7:

E |--5--|
B |--4--|
G |--4--|
D |--4--|
A |-----|
E |-----|

# 12
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03/21/2009 9:10 am
Hi caponi14,

I use the one finger method and just kinda bend my finger up over the high 'E' string because I had the same problem as you, it took a little practice but eventually I got it. I'm looking at the way I do it right now and my (index) finger's kinda at an angle like I'm pointing at myself.

[FONT=Book Antiqua][FONT=Arial][FONT=Tahoma]Neal
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# 13
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03/21/2009 2:58 pm
This might help someone, although I am not sure I should be posting it here. These are "cheats" I used to use when starting out. If you do not absolutely need that low-tone root note, these work ok for chording and even picking in certain situations.

For the B shape (or C or D, etc) I used my index finger on the E and my other three in a line to hold the next 3 strings.

For the B minor shape, index on the E, middle on the B string, ring on the A string and pinky on the G. (Ring above pinky.)

For the F shape, I "barred" the E & B strings with the index, middle finger on the G string, and ring above pinky on the A & D strings.

B Bm F Better F
-0------ -0------ -0------ -0------
----0--- ---0---- -0------ -0------
----0--- ----0--- ---0---- --0-----
----0--- ----0--- ----0--- ---0----
-------- -------- -------- ---0----
-------- -------- -------- ---------

I'm not recommending this, but it might keep you moving while you develop better form on real Barres. ...I might be in real trouble here. :) ever since then, I always hang on to the buckle.
# 14
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03/26/2009 4:27 pm
(sorry for my bad english in advance.. Im just a swe ;/ )
Speaking of fat fingers... Could just as well put in my questions as well here since i got a few problems making the chords because its almost impossible for me to not touch one of the strings. I also happen to have really small fingers. So i have kind of the worst hands you can have i guess? for not to mention that they are kinda soft.

Now to my questions. I have problems fitting 3 fingers in to the same A-chord..

E |--0--|
B |--2--|
G |--2--|
D |--2--|
A |--0--|
E |-----|
My index finger on the D-string is so far away from the fret that i have to push like a madman to make it clean. I saw some of you saying that you can practice to make your hand fit into one fret. Sounds a bit odd. But even in my case its possible?

And when it comes to
E |--1--|
B |--1--|
G |--2--|
D |--3--|
A |-----|
E |-----|

My middlefinger accidentally touches the B-string. So i use my ringfinger on the G-string (ooh nice) and pinky on the d-string to make it work. But i can practice to get my middlefinger out of the way in the standardgrip? Also sounds weird.

Thankful for answers
# 15
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03/26/2009 6:22 pm
Hi, Thomas. For the A chord, I have always used only 2 fingers, index & middle. It leaves more fingers for doing fancy stuff later on, too. :) I've even seen somebody play open A with just one finger.

For the other chord, I find that method of diagram hard to read, but it looks like an F. In trying to reconstruct your problem, I thought maybe you might be trying to keep your index finger more straight up and down than you need to.

For me to be comfortable on that chord, my index finger sort of has the tip up at the fret and the middle knuckle more back at the nut. If I try to hold the tip vertical, I start getting your problem a bit.

I don't know about you, but my joints are only so articulate. :rolleyes:

Anyway, maybe that will help to leave your index slant to a more comfortable position. ...And try to come straight down on the strings, keep those knuckles up! ever since then, I always hang on to the buckle.
# 16
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03/26/2009 6:47 pm
Ah ye, thought i copied like a really small tab. Didn't realize it was a diagram. I'm sorry for the confusion.

Thanks for the advices. I will keep them in mind now when i try to get chords in to work :)
I already noticed that the A-chord Was way easier now and is no longer a problem. I still having a hard time with the F... Guess i need to wait untill my fingertips gets a bit more solid.

# 17

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