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Joined: 03/08/07
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Registered User
Joined: 03/08/07
Posts: 96
03/01/2009 12:28 am
Ok, Guitar Pro 5.2 is the most amazing software I've ever had the privelage to use. It's not just guitars either. Drums, Basses, Banjo's, Pianos, and TONS of other instruments too.

Customizable MIDI Tracks, RSE packs, a Metranome, a Transposer, and crap-loads of other features make it very good for songwriting.

I bought it for $50 (I think?)

It was the best spent fifty bucks that I have ever spent.

[FONT=Fixedsys]A tout le monde, A tout mes amis, Je vous aime, Je dois partir. These are the last words I'll ever speak, and they'll set me free![/FONT] ;)