I could just have easily went with Equator, but i like the way Wrigs dual guitar work came together. Gave the track more of a rock feel which is what i was trying to go for when i did the BT.
Equator..very creative and inventive track as well, those short but fast ascending runs you do add a lot of interest.
Light: Your playing is really very good, your second take was much better than your first, sound and tone wise. I really like your style and your phrasing is always well planned and executed. However on this particular track i felt that it sounded a bit too structured for this type of backer. I dunno, just seemed overly melodic....on a different backing track it would have been right on.
Slim: Man i cant wait for you to get your tech issues sorted out. There were some real gems in your OUCH take that I would like to hear again. Emphasis on the word "hear" :) hahaha...just winding you up man, great effort in spite of the frustration you had to deal with.
Overall, thanks guys for all your comments on my track and for playing over it to give me some more ideas.
See you all on the January track!