Well Bobby, I guess i'm still celebrating my 20th something anniversary of my 20th something birthday too, but very soon I'll have to start celebrating my 20th anniversary of my 30th something birthday. Dang!
Anyhow, this guitar thing is very addictive. I got a new guitar at Christmas and for several weeks before that I borrowed one from a friend and I just can't put the thing down yet. I practice till my fingers hurt so much I can't pick it up, so I walk away, then 5 minutes later I walk by and pick it up again. So far I have five of the 7 major chords nailed(along with a number of minors). I can actually do an F as well, but not with as much consistancy. Forget the B chord though. For now I just do two or three strings. I think I want to go in the direction of Blues in general. I live in Austin and we have so many blues musicians and venues that I've always loved it. Just the other day I listened to a young girl playing acoustic at the sandwhich shop and she did several songs using just A, D, and E and it sounded really great. She could sing, lucky her!
One question: If I wanted to ask an instructor a question, do I just post on the forums? Are they required to moderate these?
Thansk again, see you around.