We need new moderators for this section. Please email me if you are interested. Must be a member in good standing for at least six months.
Helps if you have good technique and style experience.
Moderator Needed
# 1

I check this site every time I have an e-mail... I'm fluent at hard rock, country, blues, and kids songs/TV themes... I haven't been a member for six months, but I think I have contributed a lot, and I hope to make this site cooler... You can check out my tricks by typing Hervé ALLESANT in the search field... Thanks!!!
# 2

Yes i listen to alot of your contributes lalimacefolle and i can say i reckon you would fit perfect in technique and style.
I reckon he should get the job :D but its not my decision :(
I reckon he should get the job :D but its not my decision :(
# 3
OK. lalimacefolle is the new sherriff.
# 4

Thanks Jon, could you tell me what I'm supposed to do and/or not do?? I guess I'll just keep on doing what I have always done, giving advice, but I guess it implies more?
# 5