any thoughts?

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12/24/2001 4:15 am
what do you think of the Fender Tom Delonge strat? I think it looks pretty nice for 500 bucks.

# 1
Guitar Tricks Moderator
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12/24/2001 5:28 am
I think for less than $500 I can find a Mexican Strat that will be a lot more versital. Or a Dean, or an Epiphone, or hell, you can get a Parker Fly for less than a Tom Delonge Strat.

If you only use your bridge pickup, never want to do anything with a whammy bar, and never have the tone control on anything but 10, it would be an OK guitar. Just keep in mind that if that's how you play now, you may change your mind later down the road and want to be able to get more diverse sounds out of your instrument.
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# 2
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12/25/2001 12:20 am
$500!!!!!! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, WHAT@S THE WORLD COMMING TO?.... My first guitar, which was a strat copy and cost £80 ($116) sounded better (cos for some reason, It had a longer than usaul scale lenght) and was a hell of alot more versatile... the pickups were are little poor, but $70 on picks up, and it'll be a beat....
$500 though, That's a complete rip off...
# 3
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12/25/2001 2:54 am
Originally posted by Raskolnikov
If you only use your bridge pickup, never want to do anything with a whammy bar, and never have the tone control on anything but 10, it would be an OK guitar.

it sounds good then those are the reasons i like it I already have an ibanez but i am not to good at fixing my guitar so I want some thing simple I can just sit down with and play also it looks a hell of a lot simpler to change the strings on that then my ibanez. I havent touched my whammy in like 6 months.

# 4
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12/26/2001 2:40 am

One shouldn't buy a car because it has a nice seat.. You should look at the total package.. Same with guitars.. Stay away from fads, unless you are absolutely in love with the thing.. Chances are, in five years Tom will be in re-hab, or playing country.. Nothing wrong with either one.. My point is: Tom is not a guitar legend, and fender is just cashing in on Kids with cash.. In five years your guitar may be a bow-wow..Go for vibe, and a utilitarian tool that gets as many sounds as possible..One pick-up sounds limited...
Having said all that, I understand the "need" to obtain guitars that are....distintive(read bow-wow). I simply had to have 3 Danelectro's,1958,1960,1961..Also had to have original 1970 Dan Armstrong "See Through"..These are not everyday work-horse instruments, they are just cool..
I guess my real point is: Get the guitar because you like it, and not for any other reason.. There is only one cure for guitar addiction...Buy another one..

"Why wallow with eagles, when you can soar with pigs."
Dr. Hunter S. Thompson

# 5
Gear Guru
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12/26/2001 3:02 am
I have a feeling you were hoping to hear a bunch of us say things like "trey kewl" or "Tom Delonge Strats ROCK!!

It didn't happen for one very good reason that has nothing to do with who makes the guitar or who sponsors it.

Unless you get your picture splashed all over the 'net, the only way that people who don't see you play live are going to know your music is if they [u]hear[/u] a recording. Music is about [u]sound[/u]. You could issue a CD with liner notes thanking Salvatore Birchazzi for your custom made Alfonso di Credenza guitar... it wouldn't [u]sound[/u] any different.
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# 6
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12/26/2001 4:45 am
well my advice would be to be go to the shop and give it a test run........if u like it and u think its the guitar for u then BANG!....u got urself another guitar! Even good guitars may not suit everyone for example fret size and etc.Guitars isn't entirely about great pickups,good wood and etc.Its important that u like it and it feels great playing it.Try it out for awhile at the shop and if u think that after the jamming that its the one and suits u best ,go get it....if not just be glad u tried it and got the feeling of the guitar and go find another1 thats suits u best....

ps....good guitars mustn't always come with a $500 price tag.Look around and u may even find a good one for less than $300.Trust me,they r out there.Just try looking.ô¡ô

luv and peace....
# 7

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