Express your thoughts on how to improve this already satisfying site

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12/22/2001 12:38 pm
Since only moderators and hosts can imput ideas to the guitar tricks host on how to make this web page better i thought i'd run a thread about it cause i know some of yous out there probably have some wicked ideas. And putting those ideads on this thread will enable the moderators to see it and there for take it to the host.

My ideas would be
* we should have a voting system that allows us to see what score users gave us because i have seen some brilliant work and i award it 8 or so points and the next day someones given it a 1 for no reason!
* i think it would be cool to see catagorized types of music threads? Metal, Punk etc so we can hang out in our own style of music...i hope that made sense! :D

I hope this thread helps this site and users.
# 1
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12/22/2001 2:58 pm
I would want to see a section with "lessons in the style of: GIT, Berklee USC etc..." done by students who attended them...
By the way, I think that dividing threads in style isn't a very good idea, since I enjoy seeing what other people listen to...
# 2

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12/22/2001 4:32 pm
I don't think we have enough people actively participating in the forum to make threads devoted to many individual genres a feasible idea - it's interesting though.

Lessons in the style of guitar schools?.. I don't really see how that would work, and also I don't believe we have very many active members here who have gone to one of these schools.
# 3
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12/22/2001 5:33 pm
I'd like to see the site take on a more futuristic look to it. Maybe a black background as opposed to the bright white look. I'd also like to see the main host/submit your own tricks part of the site take on a more prominent role. Right now it seems that there's a whole bunch of members in the forum that don't even know the full guitar tricks site exists. Quite often I see messages asking where to find tabs etc... and they get sent elsewhere when they're already on a site that can provide what they want. it's kind of like guitar tricks needs a main 'home' page that really stands out as the front 'magazine cover' type of thing.
I'd also like to see the main part of guitar tricks editorial and interative sections expanded and completed. alot of the stuff like the jam sections and the how-to stuff haven't changed in a couple of years.
other than that.. the site is awesome. there's some amazing players on here and they deserve huge congratulations for making the site what it is.
Hey you kids! Get outta that Jello tree!! :mad:
# 4
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12/22/2001 5:39 pm
Originally posted by James
Lessons in the style of guitar schools?.. I don't really see how that would work, and also I don't believe we have very many active members here who have gone to one of these schools. [/B]

That's too bad, it would be cool to have a taste of them...
On "how" I'd say that it should be like the host section, but instead of licks, it should be around concepts that those schools carry... (rock improvising as taught at berklee, as opposed to GIT...)
# 5
Gear Guru
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Gear Guru
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12/22/2001 7:18 pm
I'd suggest removing the Login from the front page. My guess is that a [u]lot[/u] of prople are logging in because they think they have to in order to browse the site. Having the login request pop up when someone wants to reply to a thread is sufficient on its own IMHO.
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# 6

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12/23/2001 5:25 am
Originally posted by lalimacefolle

That's too bad, it would be cool to have a taste of them...
On "how" I'd say that it should be like the host section, but instead of licks, it should be around concepts that those schools carry... (rock improvising as taught at berklee, as opposed to GIT...) [/B]

It's not a bad idea I just don't think many people here would know the difference between the methodologies the two schools use. I have to admit I'm pretty ignorant about it as well. I learned today that one year at Berklee (in Canadian dollars) is about 45 grand. There goes that dream

I also agree that the site could use a little cosmetic upgrading here and there.

I couldn't really ask for much more from this site, except for one thing... get rid of the popups, especially the ones that make noise! Anyone else get that trivia one? Urgh
# 7
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12/23/2001 5:34 am
I haven't had any popups here in over a year and I'm using 2 different computers. I thought those things were eliminated ages ago cause everybody hated em so much.
Hey you kids! Get outta that Jello tree!! :mad:
# 8
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12/23/2001 11:00 am
I got the one that makes the broken glass noise!!! It scares the shot out of me everytime!!
# 9
Psycho Amram
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Psycho Amram
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12/23/2001 4:11 pm
a new system of rating will be great
for example i posted some work of mine some weeks ago and i dont even know if anyone saw it :mad:

and about that guitar schools stuuf that would be fine. i myself dont know much about the methodologies and i would like to.

and the popups are really pain in the ass i get the casino stuff

oh and stop the guys who put "tricks" like "van halen is the best
God sent meat,
and the Devil sent cooks.

Excuse me while i keep this eye
# 10

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12/23/2001 5:32 pm
About the popups...

We don't pay for this great website, let the guy make some money. I think he deserves it. Don't you?

It a small price to pay for the kind of quality ressources we get here. But I got to admit that some popups are getting on my nerves too..

The broken glass is one nasty bugger
# 11
Gear Guru
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12/23/2001 7:07 pm
I wouldn't care to guess how many hundreds of dollars it costs each month to pay for the server space that we get to use for [u]free![/u]

I sometimes get frustrated about not being able to include schematic drawings or pictures to clarify some of my technical explanations. Then I think about how much server space we'd bloat to if we were posting graphics.

I enjoy the inherent democracy of this site. There's no exclusionary membership fee to keep out contributors who don't happen to have coin laying around. A few pop-ups is a small price to pay.

Think of those pop-ups as a free video game! How fast can you zap 'em?
Guitar Tricks Moderator - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
# 12

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12/23/2001 8:07 pm


good one!
# 13
is Super Fabulous
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is Super Fabulous
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12/24/2001 6:40 am
Originally posted by Hootayah
I'd like to see the site take on a more futuristic look to it. Maybe a black background as opposed to the bright white look.

I agree. I know it takes a lot of work and planning, but I'd like to see a new site design. Something that's a little easier to navigate. And just so I don't sound selfish, I can offer my services . . . :)

Originally posted by Lordathestrings
I'd suggest removing the Login from the front page. My guess is that a [u]lot[/u] of prople are logging in because they think they have to in order to browse the site.

Another good idea. Jon said that he just deleted around 5000 users names that weren't being used. This tells me that a lot of people are signing up because they think they have to. You only have to if you're going to post, people!

# 14
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12/24/2001 12:43 pm
Soloing seems to be a big topic throughout the threads...I would suggest making a menu on the first page just on soloing. We pretty much have everything else, so why not.
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Der Herrgott gibt
doch gibt er nur dem den er auch liebt
# 15
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12/26/2001 7:05 am
Maybe it's because I have allowed evil cookies while others here haven't, but I never log in, I automatically logged in as soon as I go to the forum pages. Much as I'm all for funky page design, I would hate to have a black backgound for reading. Wholenote's blue is quite nice, as it is very light, but I hate light writing over a dark background; that neon-green over black that they have in Guitar war is so irritating, and so dated.
"Dozens of people spontaneously combust each year, it's just not that widely reported".
# 16
Gear Guru
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Gear Guru
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12/26/2001 7:19 am
I agree about not wanting light-on-dark text. And something a bit less contrasty than black-on-white would be easier on the eyes.

On a more personal note: Bardsley, if you never have to log in, that means you still have your cookies from a previous visit... which in turn implies that you haven't cleaned out your browser's cache folders since how long ago???

Now that's scary!
Guitar Tricks Moderator - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
# 17
is Super Fabulous
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is Super Fabulous
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12/26/2001 6:16 pm

I never log in either. Cookies are the way to go! Just make a batch file that deletes all the ones you don't want when you boot up.
# 18
Incidents Happen
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Incidents Happen
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12/26/2001 9:31 pm
i think the voting thing shouldnt even be on guitartricks. you know your going to have some asshole give a ****ty score when it deserves a 10 or something. I say scrap that, and make a guitartricks magazine! or a guitartricks CD or something. I dont know its pretty good as it is.
# 19
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12/26/2001 11:20 pm
I agree, because the first vote on some of my tricks were 1, and then others were 10, and I stil get a pretty crappy note!!
# 20

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