Favourite guitar partnerships?

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12/16/2001 1:37 pm
I'm a huge fan of twin bands with two guitarists, especially those who play twin lead. By this i mean they don't have one doing rhythm and one lead, and also they have a seperate singer, not one who plays. Just wondered who your favourites are. You can include rhythm lead partnerships too if you want. Mine are...

Dave Murray/Adrian Smith - Iron Maiden
Mickey Moody/Bernie Marsden - Whitesnake, Moody Marsden
Glenn Tipton/K.K. Downing - Judas Priest

And rhythm/ Lead :-

James Hetfield/Kirk Hammet - Metallica
Izzy Stradlin/Slash - G 'n' R

I'll probably come up with some more later...
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# 1

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12/16/2001 4:45 pm
lynard skynard (I know they have two lead guit.s and they sound awesome)
the eagles (I'm pretty sure they have two)

hmm... what else...

# 2
Gear Guru
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12/16/2001 6:31 pm
I have yet to hear anyone combine 'pick'n'rhythm' better than Steve Stills and Dave Crosby did with Crosby, Stills & Nash.

I think the Allman Brothers Band has some noteworthy (pun intended) harmonized twin lead stuff.
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# 3
Led Zeppelin
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Led Zeppelin
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12/16/2001 10:23 pm
Lynyrd Skynyrd had 3(Gary Rosington, Steve Gaines and Ed King I think)
The Eagles for Hotel Caliornia was Don Felder & Joe Walsh

I reckon

Slash & Izzy (GnR)
Keith & Mick/Keith & Ron (Stones)
# 4
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12/17/2001 9:20 pm
Yeh, Iron Maiden have three as well now. When Adrian left, Janick Ges was brought in as a replacement, and then Adrian came back, but they kept Janick too, which means they have three!!!

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# 5
Big as Elvis, Baby
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12/18/2001 4:15 pm
I've been thinking about this and alot of bands have done the 3rds/6ths harmony or unison lines, but the only bands I can remember taking it any farther were the Allman Bros, Allman&Betts and Racer X, Gilbert&Bouilet, in the more traditional role, Pat Travers and Pat Thrall on Pat Travers Live did some cool lines together.
# 6
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12/18/2001 4:47 pm
the best guitar partnership, the guitar trio, di meola, de lucia, and Mc laughlin, man, so many blisters were due to those guys!!
# 7
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12/18/2001 7:47 pm
sorry, the names sound familiar, but im a bit confused. Can you enlighten me please?
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# 8
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12/18/2001 11:08 pm
John Mc LAUGHLIN jazz guitarist, jazz rock pioneer, one of the fastest picker on earth, has also been in the mahavishnu orchestra, and shakti, and lately, remember shakti...(fusion between jazz, and indian music, 30 minutes solos, pretty cool)

Al di Meola has set a standard for speed and alternate picking, has played when he got out of berklee with Chick COREA, I think he was 20... Nickname, mister technique

Paco de LUCIA flamenco icon, either worshipped or hated in the flamenco world, awesome guitarist, has set a standard in the flamenco/jazz fusion...

Their latest album's title, Passion, grace and fire, each word refers to Al, paco, and John...
# 9
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12/19/2001 8:35 pm
Right, thanx.

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# 10
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12/21/2001 8:56 pm
lets see...

lennon/harison - gobsmaking melding of talent
slash/izzy - ditto (but not quite as good)
richards/wood - "me and woody don't know who played the last lick, its as close as that" - richards
o brian/greenwood - listen to the bridges of paranoid android and the chorus of creep to see how these two meld together seamlessly
felder/walsh - what do you mean you've never heard the solo from hotel california?

i'll be back if i think of more
Tandem Felix
# 11
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12/22/2001 2:35 pm
Yeh, the solo from Hotel California is brilliant.
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# 12
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12/22/2001 2:57 pm
forgot the hellecasters.....yeaaaaaaaaaaaaah
# 13

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12/23/2001 5:51 pm

By far Iron maiden.

Always loved their solos. Each guitarists brought is own touch. I learned how to play in harmony by listening to those two. The best all the way.
# 14
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12/29/2001 12:37 pm
Wahey!! Someone has registered Iron Maiden's brilliance! Ta very much. You would'nt believe how hard it is to find other Maiden fans where i live. Keep em comin!
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# 15
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12/29/2001 2:08 pm
Jason Becker and Marty Friedman come to mind.(Cacophony)
# 16
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01/02/2002 10:34 pm
Has anyone ever heard of Hanoi Rocks? A Finnish glam-metal group. Lead guitarist Andy McCoy, rhythm Nasty Suicicide. INCREDIBLY tight.
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# 17
jake sommers
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jake sommers
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01/04/2002 4:16 am
The cats from ratt, and the guys from thin lizzy, oh yeah.. also boston.
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# 18
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01/04/2002 4:20 am
slayer kerry king and jeff hanneman bad ass guitar riffs but sucky solos
# 19

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