I have a Fender Standard Strat and I am looing for some strap locks. I looked on Musiciansfriend.com but could only find locking straps, not strap locks. So I figured maybe some of you guys could help me track some strap locks down =). Also, I am looking into a cabinent for Christmas, but I curretnly have a Fender Champ 12 (it is not possible to drive a cab with this right)? I am lookign at a 100 watt cab, what is the minimum head (wattage wise) I need to where the speakers will not be underpowered and blow? Also, I have heard of people running there guitar out to two seperate amps, one set to clean channel and the other set with distortion, so that you get a mix of both sounds. How exactly is this accomplished (splitting your guitar into the two seperate amps)? Thanks in advance!