Download Help

Can't seem to download them.Do I need special software?Can I use Windows Media Player?Help!
# 1

hey there... try this...
look in the lower right corner of the video, you should see a downward pointing arrow. click this and a save file dialogue box should appear. Select a location to save the video and continue the download as normal.
As for viewing the file try using the subscriber video player available here...
or use Winamp player from
this is the best I can suggest, one user to another. I hope it helps
All the best!
look in the lower right corner of the video, you should see a downward pointing arrow. click this and a save file dialogue box should appear. Select a location to save the video and continue the download as normal.
As for viewing the file try using the subscriber video player available here...
or use Winamp player from
this is the best I can suggest, one user to another. I hope it helps
All the best!
# 2
Thanks, Gaelan_S :)
# 3

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