Printing problems have been very frustrating.
We really had no idea that we would get into such problems when we switched from text tab to notation files.
And we were similarly surprised that so many people prefer to print the files to reading them off the web (where they look fine).
The problems are compounded by the totally different way different printers operate.
One thing you might try is to go to print -> properties and change your print resolution from whatever it is right now to the highest setting and try that.
We have some changes in the works, that you should see in a couple weeks, about how we do printing. Hopefully those will help, but they are just the initial step. We may have to do a total overhaul to get printing to the way it ideally should be.
Please try the above suggestion and see if that helps. When we have the new site design up in a few weeks, please also check back with us and let us know how that goes. Then we can see where we are and what to do next.
Jon Broderick
Guitar Tricks Instructor - Home of Online Guitar Lessons