View post (Is it just me or is GT becoming a ghost site?)

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Telecastered Instructor
Joined: 03/12/04
Posts: 756
Telecastered Instructor
Joined: 03/12/04
Posts: 756
11/01/2008 9:35 am
The active instructors are still here, but most of us have alot of reshooting to do. We can't be on the forum as much as we used to, but we still get on here when we can.

I could spend a whole day on the forum, but I'm trying to get these new HD vids done as fast as I can.

We appreciate you sticking around, and letting us know that you care about the forum. I've been posting alot more this year, and trying to be more active on the forum. Reshooting is taking alot of the time, I used to spend on here, but we're still around.