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Joined: 08/01/06
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Joined: 08/01/06
Posts: 102
11/09/2008 8:10 am
I wouldn't worry too much about the style of others, that's who they are, and that's a reflection of them. That's what all good music is, a reflection of ones own emotions. Let's take for instance the band Death. Originally they set out to be the heaviest most fastest band out there, and the lyrics where comprised of the usual death metal fanfare. Suffice it to say, nothing stuck out, and it was like every metal band at the time. As time progressed, however, Chuck (visionary/vocalist/guitarist for Death) started expanding his playing style via jazz, and his lyrics where things that where relevant to him. His words weren't those of a poet with witty venacular, but they came from the heart and it shows. Personally, his music and his words have stuck with me throughout many years. It's good to have influences, but if you mimmick somones writing you'll become just another copy of that band. Just worry about being the best you you can be.