Thin Red Line

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10/12/2008 4:59 pm
[FONT=Century Gothic]"study and show yourself approved"[/FONT]
# 1
Kevin Taylor
Guitar Tricks Instructor
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Kevin Taylor
Guitar Tricks Instructor
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10/13/2008 11:44 am
Sounds good. Nice mix etc... and it sounds like it was mastered... (although a little too 'brickwall' for my tastes'.

Personally, I'd bring your vocals up a bit. I don't know whether it's my equipment or not:

Denon Amp through a pair of AKG K701 Pro.

but the vocals are slightly far back in the mix.

Otherwise, pretty good.
This is the first time I've listened to any of your stuff and I'll make a point to check more of it out in the future. :)
# 2
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10/15/2008 6:32 pm
some scary chops throughout, but vocal variation would have helped this track. given, it sounds like you'd really need to be able to belt it out to fill this song's requirement of "vocal variation". it fails to grab me by the pants because of the lack of any strong focal point. the vocals are loud enough, just not busy enough. harmony, alternate lines, etc. would aid it well.

the guitar solo was done very well, but the lick at 4:00 could have done with some touching up. i can tell that it would be impressive in a different setting, but maybe something like a joe satch-style tap would be more effective for that pedal-feel. does that make sense? i don't know, i hope it does.

i figured you'd want criquite instead of compliments, given that you already konw the song is badass.
"the more you know, the less you know. I don't feel like i know shit anymore, but i love it."
-Mike Stern

# 3
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10/15/2008 11:30 pm
thanks for listening...
[FONT=Century Gothic]"study and show yourself approved"[/FONT]
# 4

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