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Joined: 08/10/01
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Registered User
Joined: 08/10/01
Posts: 882
12/02/2001 12:17 am
I've had this idea for a while, but I've not mangaed to find enough musicains...then it hit me, you'r all here...
Right, the idea is, basically some one starts a riff/ intro/ rythem whater ever right... then this is uploaded, the next person put's in their contribution and so so on... so basically we have a song...

The other way of doing this is to just all have everyone submit something in one key, and then get some one who's got some time on thier hands to produce it...

What do you think? who's in?... I mean we dont have to get to work straight way or anything... but I could help in finding out what everyone could contribute...

I'll go first... Vocals, guitar, whisteling (I couldn't just have two things in there, I'd feel sooo inferior to the guy that lists 8 or 9 instruments)....