A salesman told me to try this new Digital Modeling amp out from a company called Line6.
I was like ya,ya, whatever.. ok show me the latest fad. Needless to say, I was blown away..I couldnt believe there wasnt any tubes in it!! I physically turned the amp around, and sure enough there was nothing!! It had the full range of digital effects built right in the cabinet too!! And i could control it all with this huge pedalboard!! It was the AX-212 model I think.
So my deliemma is this: go with the Line6? Or go with a true tube amp? Ive narrowed it down to one of these: Peavey 5150, Carvin Legacy, Mesa Boogie Single rectifier.
All would be the combo version and are all in the same price range. any input would be much apreciated... Thanks!

What's the difference between a puppy and a singer-songwriter?
Eventually the puppy stops whining.
Eventually the puppy stops whining.