This isn't so much a gear review as a review of a book I bought recently about the early Abbey Road / Beatles sessions.
Something that goes into intense details about the equipment, mics, instruments, boards, effects and staff that contributed to the Beatles sound from the early 60's to the early 70's.
I've read many other books about this early period but none so far has come to absolutely detailing every single piece of equipment, including pictures and full technical breakdowns of everything from the 4 and 8 track machines, the effects used, the Mics, Limiters, compressors, studio equipment, amplifiers etc... Not to mention the total layout of the Abbey Road studios during the 1960's and how sessions were monitored, and mixed down.
Anyways, the book is called "Recording The Beatles" and includes not only the extremely large and heavy book, but additional posters and photocopies of original documentation including a poster of the original 4 track desk and all it's various operations.
What can I say....I've studied the early Beatles for years. Not just wearing out the original LP's but later on spending weeks studying the bootleg recordings and outtakes.
What can I say... this book goes into complete and absolute detail about every piece of equipment. From the compressors and 4 - track board, to the Echo Chamber and other equipment used to make special effects.
It also goes into detail about several questions regarding famous songs such as "Yesterday". (the double tracked vocal on "something's wong, now I long for Yesterday" wasn't intended but was caused by removing the original vocal punch in and not realizing the original was still audible in the original cans.
Definitely worth the purchase if you want to learn about earlier recording techniques.
Beatles/Abbey Road
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