guitar hero?

# 1
I hated it for a while, thn I played it at the game store and was like, hey, this isn't so bad. Then my brother got it so I played it everynow and then here and at my friends house. The funny thing is, if you go to practice mode, and play Through the Fire and Flames on expert and try hitting all the notes, it makes for a good warm before you play guitar, and more interesting than jsut sitting there and doing exercises. I would never buy it, nor do I play it for more than 20 minutes, its when people waste too much time with it when they could have laerned the real thing that gets me.
"During this line, the kid acted like he was pushing buttons on a calculator in the air. The kid played ******* air-calculator!"
# 2

# 3

Well i have rock band and im best at the guitar and i like the game alot.Ive heard that people who play the giutar cant play giutar hero and rock band giutar good.
# 4
I thought it was really cool until I found out you don't actually play a real guitar with it. Then it was kinda like 'why would anybody want to do this?'
# 5
I quite like it.... although I'm not very good at it. It has helped get my GF into playing guitar and the kind of music I like though... so it has it's uses. Weird that I can play a guitar, but suck at the game.
I find the youtube videos hilarious, and agree that kids playing the game instead of learning the guitar is just ridiculous. It's a fun party game as well....
I find the youtube videos hilarious, and agree that kids playing the game instead of learning the guitar is just ridiculous. It's a fun party game as well....
Check out my music, video, lessons & backing tracks here![br]
# 6

I think I'm one of like, only 14 people left on the planet who haven't played it or Rock Band yet.
# 7

Stay that way. You're better off without it.
I play it with my dad and some of my friends who don't play real instruments, but deep down a loathe the game. A pal of mine who has been my friend for about 8 years plays bass, or at least he used until Guitar Hero came out. Now all he does is play guitar hero really loud while I'm in the middle of a lesson (his dad teaches me). He keeps preaching about how we were meant to play together. I just want to ask him so bad: "Play what? Simon says on these Chinese plastic peripherals? I don't think so 'bro'".
I play it with my dad and some of my friends who don't play real instruments, but deep down a loathe the game. A pal of mine who has been my friend for about 8 years plays bass, or at least he used until Guitar Hero came out. Now all he does is play guitar hero really loud while I'm in the middle of a lesson (his dad teaches me). He keeps preaching about how we were meant to play together. I just want to ask him so bad: "Play what? Simon says on these Chinese plastic peripherals? I don't think so 'bro'".
# 8
Originally Posted by: QuicksliverStay that way. You're better off without it.
I play it with my dad and some of my friends who don't play real instruments, but deep down a loathe the game. A pal of mine who has been my friend for about 8 years plays bass, or at least he used until Guitar Hero came out. Now all he does is play guitar hero really loud while I'm in the middle of a lesson (his dad teaches me). He keeps preaching about how we were meant to play together. I just want to ask him so bad: "Play what? Simon says on these Chinese plastic peripherals? I don't think so 'bro'".
Good post ^^ :)
'01 Ramirez 1a
07 Martin D-35
'62 DiGiorgio Grande Sonoridad Brazillian Rosewood
90's Strat
90's Jazz Bass
07 Martin D-35
'62 DiGiorgio Grande Sonoridad Brazillian Rosewood
90's Strat
90's Jazz Bass
# 9
I think its fun. I can't hold disdain for video games for very long. But just like all video games I find them to be too time consuming and I eventually just won't touch it to avoid addiction.
BTW I played 6 hours playing video games saturday. Yeah.
BTW I played 6 hours playing video games saturday. Yeah.
# 10
i think its a heap of fun too.. timingwise (depending on the difficulty) i think i get it..but ive only played like easy-medium.. it definitely doesnt have accuracy in terms of note striking..because ive been so used to paying alot of attention to each and every note my fingers wud automatically strike a note altho its not in the game? and sometimes ud expect to hit a note but it doesnt come up and vice and my mates used to go to the mall during uni breaks to play it but not anymore...
i do get pretty unco with the buttons
i do get pretty unco with the buttons
[FONT=Impact]grooviest tunes ever [/FONT]
# 11

i've had at least two occurances where someone directly linked playing the guitar well with playing guitar hero. one of them was just a painstakingly-stupid statement "i'm pretty good at guitar hero, and that will probably help me when it comes to learning real guitar" and the other one being more of a bad reference to the game. i used to know this affluent professional guitarist in the area and i was referring to how incredible he was, and some guy started right in with how good his brother was at guitar hero. maybe he just wanted to ruin a good conversation, but me thinks he tried putting a "simon says game" on the level with playing an instrument.
i know i shouldn't be so against these games, but when i walk into an electronics store and see these dopes with plastic guitars around themselves and little kids holding it like a real instrument, a part of me dies inside. i just want to break the televisions and scream at them to go get a life.
but to each his own, right?
i know i shouldn't be so against these games, but when i walk into an electronics store and see these dopes with plastic guitars around themselves and little kids holding it like a real instrument, a part of me dies inside. i just want to break the televisions and scream at them to go get a life.
but to each his own, right?
"the more you know, the less you know. I don't feel like i know shit anymore, but i love it."
-Mike Stern
-Mike Stern
# 12

Originally Posted by: quickfingersi've had at least two occurances where someone directly linked playing the guitar well with playing guitar hero. one of them was just a painstakingly-stupid statement "i'm pretty good at guitar hero, and that will probably help me when it comes to learning real guitar" and the other one being more of a bad reference to the game. i used to know this affluent professional guitarist in the area and i was referring to how incredible he was, and some guy started right in with how good his brother was at guitar hero. maybe he just wanted to ruin a good conversation, but me thinks he tried putting a "simon says game" on the level with playing an instrument.
i know i shouldn't be so against these games, but when i walk into an electronics store and see these dopes with plastic guitars around themselves and little kids holding it like a real instrument, a part of me dies inside. i just want to break the televisions and scream at them to go get a life.
but to each his own, right?
# 13

Don't you think you guys are a bit harsh on the game? Jeez, I mean as long as you keep it in moderation, the game is fun. I own Guitar Hero III and rock band. Neither game pull my focus from playing actual guitar in the least bit. I think it's just a fun game that many people like to play. At the same time, it could be the death of real instruments. (as in the 5 year olds on youtube playing expert when they could be playing real guitar) It disappoints me a bit, but I don't despise the game for it, and I still play it. It's still a bit of a creativity crusher for the new generations to come though.
# 14

The only reason why I somewhat dislike the game is because it has ruined a lot of songs for people who aren't musically inclined. The songs that only true "music fans" knew and listened to have now been heard by everyone who has ever played the game.
Also, I hate it when people think that just because they can play expert on guitar hero, they can now learn how to play real guitar.
But...other than that, I enjoy playing the game and it has kept me entertained for hours at a time late at night chillin' with the guys.
Also, I hate it when people think that just because they can play expert on guitar hero, they can now learn how to play real guitar.
But...other than that, I enjoy playing the game and it has kept me entertained for hours at a time late at night chillin' with the guys.
# 15

I used to play Asteriods on my Atari 2600 back in good old '82 or so, but apart from that I've never understood the desire to sit in front of a TV/monitor for hours at a time and play a game. (Am not knocking anyone who does tho, as someone else said..each to their own.) I like to play a bit of online poker tho, HOWEVER, at least I win some money doing that to spend on GAS!! :D
Now, if I could just predict where my spaceship will re-enter after a hyper-drive jump I'll finally destroy those pesky asteroids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now, if I could just predict where my spaceship will re-enter after a hyper-drive jump I'll finally destroy those pesky asteroids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# 16

I haven't played it, but hold a notable amount of disdain for it from a distance. While I can imagine it can make for a very fun party game, what annoys me is the focus of the game, which has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with musicianship, and everything to do with presentation, and the way performances are packaged. Whenever I see one a youtube video of some guitar hero "pro" "rockin' out," with a plastic toy, I die a little inside.
# 17
I have fun with it and my 6 year old loves it. He's better than alot of people my age. I've seen him get 100% on medium songs. After playing with it for awhile he demands I get him a real guitar. A red one with skulls on it according to him. So maybe introducing the game to kids isn't all bad.
Some people do take the game waaaaaaay too seriously though.
Some people do take the game waaaaaaay too seriously though.
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"If it feels right, play it. If it feels wrong, play it faster” - Magicninja - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
Guitar Tricks Moderator
"If it feels right, play it. If it feels wrong, play it faster” - Magicninja - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
# 18

guitar hero is removing talent from the industry so they can focus more on image, not that they've already been doing that, just making it easier
# 19

Well i admit that I love the game and it is part of the reason I started to learn the real guitar :) It was cool that if you hit the buttons accurately and in the right order an awsome tune plays.. So i thought it would be even cooler to do the same thing on a guitar :)
# 20