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Joined: 05/06/08
Posts: 33
Full Access
Joined: 05/06/08
Posts: 33
05/13/2008 11:57 pm
I feel silly asking about this, but I went to the guitar store today looking at picks and.. I was too ashamed to ask the clerk there about it!! :( I'm an absolute beginner, and well.. asking about guitars are one thing.. but was too ashamed to ask about picks...

I saw thin, medium, heavy.. and then I saw all these other ones with all these different size options.. what is the difference? For a beginner like me that is using an electric guitar (ibanez grx20), what is the standard? :( Also based on the material it's made with (I saw Acetal/Polymer, Celluloid etc).. what is good?

When I bought my guitar a few days ago, I didn't think about picks because I was being cheap since I knew I had ONE at home lol.. and now I can't find it!! :( I can't remember if it there was anything written on it saying if it was thin, medium, heavy.. or even what MM and etc. :confused: