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Joined: 02/11/08
Posts: 8
Registered User
Joined: 02/11/08
Posts: 8
04/26/2008 8:47 pm
Hello everybody! I don't know how many of you are familiar with it, but I am currently taking the Learning & Mastering Guitar Course with Steve Krenz published by Legacy Systems. It appears to be an excellent course. Right now I am learning the C & G7 chords on the acoustic, which I have to conquer before I can move on, but no matter how hard I try I cannot seem to play them cleanly. Particularly the "C" chord. I can't seem to get my two middle fingers on the strings at a straight on angle of "attack". Is there any "magic" formula to accomplish this or is the key just plain old persistence? Additionally, an opinion if you would. I have a Takamini acoustic which I purchased over 30 yrs, ago which is solid mahogany. it seems to have a beautiful tone and from what little knowledge I have, the action seems to be about right (I am using D'Addorio light strings for now to get me through my novice period), any one have any experience with these Guitars or opinions of them. Don't hold back, I have thick skin, but it's like an old friend to me.
Thanks everybody,
A very old newbie