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Fret spider
Registered User
Joined: 12/14/05
Posts: 558
Fret spider
Registered User
Joined: 12/14/05
Posts: 558
04/23/2008 10:47 pm
i bough5t a ticket to see satriani play about 5 months ago on the 15th fo mayand was all excited. i even managed to get tickets for the front row.

today i founsd out somethin really anoyin. i hav an exam the mornin after the concert. and one on the day of the concert.

so my timetable would go lioke this finish semester on a friday on the followin thursday have an exam. go to see satch in the evenin then do an exam in the mornin.
problem is theres no wayi will have done enough work. i will need to revise the nite before. so now im gonna have to not go cos my degree is at stake. god thats anoyin. and i dont know how im gonna sell the ticket cos my friend bought it for me and somehow managed to get 10 pounds worth of bookin fee. so i stand to loose like 44 pounds. which is a fair bit of money if i dont get anythin in return. this sucks.

arg im soo anoyed.

ps if anyone is in manchester england on the 15th of may and wats to buy a ticket for the front row to see joe satriani pm me. please