Triad troubles in G Dorian

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03/29/2008 7:03 pm
Trying to get to grips with building triads in modes - where supposedly all chords produced are either major/minor or diminished.

If I pick G Dorian and build a triad from the A in its scale I get A, C and F.

I'm not sure what chord that is (A6?) but none of the above.

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance

# 1
Fret spider
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Fret spider
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03/29/2008 7:44 pm
whe u build triads u do it by stacking thirds. basically take a note leave a note take a note leave a note take a note

so g dorian has the notes G A B C D E F the triad u want is G B D

which is G majour
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03/29/2008 8:40 pm
Thanks for the reply,

The excercise asks me to build a progression from a mode, it says "think of other chords in your mode".

I did the G as you mention - how do I get another one from that mode?

I assumed I would just pick other notes from that scale and then build a triad in the same way (i.e.with a new starting point) staying within the scale but I've obviously go the wrong end of the stick.

Really appreciate the help

# 3
Fret spider
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Fret spider
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03/29/2008 9:04 pm
yeh u do do the same thing eith a different startin point

for instance take C as ur startin point

then u get C E G wich is Cmajour i believe,

or A you get A C E wich is a minor
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03/29/2008 9:31 pm
OK, this is a bit confusing but I think we maybe getting close to what I am doing wrong.

Do I play the Dorian shape starting from those different starting points?

Because if I do I get the A minor from the A, ACE, as you say, but if I do the same with the C, I get C E flat G.

And now I come to think of it if I start at G I get an A sharp on the third degree, so I didn't get a G major after all.

thanks again
# 5
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03/29/2008 9:37 pm
Please have a look at this tutorial on music theory:

In particular see the lessons on the triads that result when harmonizing the major scale.
Originally Posted by: jimmynitcherTrying to get to grips with building triads in modes - where supposedly all chords produced are either major/minor or diminished.
I'd suggest that if you get a firm conceptual grasp on the triads that get built when you harmonize the major scale (the first mode - ionian), then all the rest is a matter of shifting the root note.
If I pick G Dorian and build a triad from the A in its scale I get A, C and F.

No, you would get A, C, and E.

If you want to build triads in G dorian, then the first thing you want to do is realize that G dorian is simply F major (ionian). So, the notes are:

F major (ionian)
F - G - A - B-flat - C - D - E - F

Therefore G dorian is simply F major starting on the second note:

G - A - B-flat - C - D - E - F - G

For future reference also see this tutorial is on triads:


And inversions:

Hope this helps, let us know how it goes.
Christopher Schlegel
Guitar Tricks Instructor

Christopher Schlegel Lesson Directory
# 6
Fret spider
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Fret spider
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03/29/2008 10:31 pm
Originally Posted by: jimmynitcherOK, this is a bit confusing but I think we maybe getting close to what I am doing wrong.

Do I play the Dorian shape starting from those different starting points?.

thanks again

no u dont do that G dorian has the notes G A Bflat C D E F (i made a mistake before i forget which mode was which)

u can make any chords u want out of the notes in the scale. i could do like DFAC if i wanted. to make th normail majour minor half diminished chords. though u want to do as i said before take a not sikip take skip take.

so the chords u get from G dorian are

G Bb D
Bb D F
E G Bb

those are the chords. they are minor (1 b3 5), majour (1 3 5) and one half diminished (1 b3 b5).

if u did wat you were sugestin in the quote u would be finding the first chords in G dorian. then findin the first chord in A dorian then the first chord in B dorian. which is not wat u want. u dot want to constantly be shifting keys.
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03/29/2008 11:00 pm
Great thanks,

And I corrected myself in a later post re the Am - sorry to be confusing!

Thats it Fret Spider! Thats what I was trying to get clear in my head - and its obviously very useful to write down the scale as you can just see the chords right there.

phew I can go to bed now

Thanks very much to you both

(I will do all the lessons mentioned too)
# 8
Fret spider
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Fret spider
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03/30/2008 11:58 am
no probs dude
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