Feedback appreciated, thanks.
Gibson SG

Has anyone on this site ever used or owned a Gibson sg standard? If so, please give me a short review on it. I don't wan't to start the whole sg, Les Paul argument because I already know I want one, I just want a second opinion from someone who has used or owned one.
Feedback appreciated, thanks.
Feedback appreciated, thanks.
# 1

I played one in a guitar shop and it seemed like a pretty good instrument. I could not judge the sound because I had to use an amp in the store and could not set it up the way I would have liked. Here is my take on the whole Epi vs. Gibson argument when it comes to the SG and the LP. They are almost the same guitar especially if you are buying one made in 07 or 08. If you buy earlier than that make sure its back far enough that it was made in Korea. I do not trust the first year that they started in China. But if you read Guitar World they have a big write up on the Epi and its factories in China and what a great guitar they are making due to the quality controls that they have in place. I have a Epi LP and I switched the pickups out for a set of PRS Dragon II's. It is one of the best sounding guitars that I have. Anyway take that for what its worth. I am sure there will be some more opinions that differ. If it were me and it was a pure money play. I would buy the Epi SG and maybe switch the pickups down the road when you get a little more cash. By the way has anyone seen the new Slash Signature EPI LP. Man that is a sweet looking guitar.
# 2
Back in the early '70s, I had an SG with P90 pups. I think it was a '62, but I don't know for sure. I only kept it long enough to find some other sucker to sell it to. It sounded wonderful, but the neck/body joint was scary weak! It was a hardtail, but it was nearly impossible to tune, because tightening one string would loosen all of the others. And just turning suddenly was enough to make everything blur. I was deathly afraid the neck was going to snap off before I could get rid of it.
# 3