Help with band name

Me and my band have been trying to think of a band name, but we can't come up with anything. We have been playing together for 2 years with no name. We are a hard-rock group with a blues influence. PLEASE HELP!!!
# 1

I HATE coming up with band names. Well,.... I love it and its fun but they alway get old and you want a new one. You pretty much need to just find one and stick with it even if it gets boring cuz thats you now. when I look for names I try to find a meaning behind it. I mostly open up a bible or a history book and look for a name of event that apply to my life. I once got "168 hours" cuz thats how many hours it took for the earth to be created in the bible,....... BUT YOU CANT HAVE THAT ONE! sorry :(
Eat, sleep, and play guitar! :D
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# 2

i'll say the same thing that always gets said when people ask for help with their band name. you have to come up with it yourself. don't force a name. unless you are already playing steady gigs and need a name, wait until something pops in your head. if you really want one now, have your band sit down, have a few drinks and brainstorm.
# 3