How to take care of calluses

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01/22/2008 3:21 am
I've been playing for about 2 months or so, and have built up enough calluses that it doesn't hurt to play that much. But I need to figure out a way to keep my fingertips from cracking and peeling so much. I keep building up the calluses, and layers keep peeling off after a short time. Is there anything I can do to help smooth out the calluses so they don't tear/crack?

# 1
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01/22/2008 3:43 am
Keep playing? Thats what I did lol. I got calluses, skin tore away, kept playing, tore away, etc. And then it stopped. Just keep playing, not a big deal.
# 2
Kevin Taylor
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01/22/2008 3:53 am
Same here. They build up and tear off then build up again.
I just think after numerous times of doing that you build up a permanent resistance in your fingers. After awhile you don't notice em anymore...
# 3
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01/23/2008 1:00 am
OK then. Thanks for the replies.
# 4
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01/26/2008 6:07 pm
They peel off when you start to play more. Just play through the pain and youll build up tough enough calluses so that they wont peel off
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02/03/2008 12:06 pm
I apply some warm oil over them if it hurts much... some short term relief..
# 6
my amps go to 11
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my amps go to 11
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02/13/2008 9:34 pm
yea calluses help the tearing is the damaged skin falling off and the skin just builds up so that the skin is strong enough and wont tear its just something you have to deal with and it will stop
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02/13/2008 11:08 pm
Well it never really stops completely I don't think... there'll always be a bit here and there that comes away. Like Andrew says, it's dead skin coming off.. I also sometimes have to cut bits off that are sticking out and catching on the strings from time to time.. As long as you can pick up the guitar and play without it hurting like it did when you first started, it's all good.
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# 8
Kevin Taylor
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02/14/2008 1:44 am
When I take a break from playing and then start up again, I completely shred my fingertips all over again. For about a week I'm peeling skin off my fingertips and letting them heal again until they build up calluses all over again.
Not to mention the pulled muscles in the left forearm and constant reminders to keep clipping my fingernails.

Goes with the territory and you don't even think about it that much.
It's just part of being a player.
# 9
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02/17/2008 5:11 pm
This is a very common thing to happpen and theres only one way to get round it... Its to keep playing im afraid. Yes, you may have grown some calluses but belive me it will get stronger and stronger through playing, so in my eyes just look it like its proof your working hard and keep up the good work. To add to that, if your looking to train your fingers thurther, try something out of your comfort zone to really challange you and keep playing till your blue in the face.

P.S: I hope you found this usefull and dont stop rocking!!! :p
Jake, The fender king :cool:
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02/25/2008 11:42 am
Even Satch and Vai have probs with them .On the G3 dvd the Tokyo one with pettrucci ,after their sound check jam you see them showing off their callus's to each other as to say mine bigger than yours It looked like one of them was having probs with them gnawing at his fingers Satch I think it was. :D
# 11
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03/15/2008 7:07 am
My school music teacher years back told me to put Vinerger on finger tips, especially when playing guitar with metal strings. I found it helps if one plays a lot.

# 12
Kevin Taylor
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03/15/2008 7:11 am
Helps on French Fries too.
# 13
Chris Ferry
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03/31/2008 9:02 pm
Hey Hillio! The one thing that comes to mind right away when I read your post is pressure / tension with the fretting hand (generally left). Make sure you are only using enough pressure necessary to fret each note / chord when you are playing or practicing. Not only does this help to prevent injury and increase efficiency, but it may lighten up on your calusses.

I believe that there is generally always at least a light calus on each of the four fingers. This is natural.

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04/07/2008 12:18 am
Am I the only one superglues their fingertips then?
# 15
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05/08/2019 7:36 am

Guys, I've got a problem. I've been playing for a month or so and I got these calluses on my fingertips and I was told not to try picking it off, but of course I did. Now it hurts as hell and I don't know what to do. Is there any cream or something?

# 16
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05/08/2019 8:39 pm
Originally Posted by: ellenacarter09

Guys, I've got a problem. I've been playing for a month or so and I got these calluses on my fingertips and I was told not to try picking it off, but of course I did. Now it hurts as hell and I don't know what to do. Is there any cream or something?

Now? The balm is time.

You could accelerate the process by dabbing the tips with a cotton ball moistened with apple cider vinegar. That'll also desentitise them to the soreness a little. If you're hardcore and want to continue playing through the hurt, applying some CA to your tips works.

The point of the callus skin forming in the epidermis is to protect the fingertips. That's why you don't remove it. When in the early days the upper layers seperate, die and get frayed at the edges, trim the detatched edges with scissors so they don't catch under the strings. But leave the attached residual in situ. You can also use a skin cream to reduce the dryness retaining pliablity. I use foot cream intended for dried cracked heels. It definitely works better than cosmetic hand cream. In time your whole tip on each fretting finger will toughen after which the skin will tend to seperate infrequently IME. I hammer mine hard pretty much on a daily basis, and very seldom is there any seperation any more.

# 17
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01/19/2021 2:42 pm

Does it help to use hydratant cream or it would soften the callouses?

Can also washing the hands frequently easy dehydration and lost of the calluses?

# 18
john of MT
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john of MT
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01/19/2021 6:59 pm
Originally Posted by: jakarta33

Does it help to use hydratant cream or it would soften the callouses?

Can also washing the hands frequently easy dehydration and lost of the calluses?

I believe any wetting of the finger tips works against forming calluses or keeping them. I also believe in playing with clean hands but I make sure my fretting hand is totally dry when I play, whether I've just washed my hands or not.

During these days of more frequent hand washing I've started the routine of hitting the calluses with a good dose of 91% isopropyl alcohol a couple times throughout the day and at bedtime. I can't really tell if helps the calluses but I think it does. It does make at least one hand extra clean.


"It takes a lot of devotion and work, or maybe I should say play, because if you love it, that's what it amounts to. I haven't found any shortcuts, and I've been looking for a long time."
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01/20/2021 2:43 am

Glad to see others' experiences with callouses. I went through the cycle of building and tearing and now they're finally rounded over without edges to catch and peel off.

# 20

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