Thought I'd Introduce Myself

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Joined: 11/26/07
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Joined: 11/26/07
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12/03/2007 7:45 pm
I've been posting in this forum for about a week, and I just thought I'd actually introduce myself to everyone.
My name's Brian, and I've been playing guitar for about 12 years. Started on acoustic in 5th grade, then moved on to electric two years later. Unfortunately, I kind of forgot about guitar for all of high school and went back to acoustic when I got to college. Finally started getting serious about electric about 2 years ago.
I currently play an Alvarez acoustic/electric, a Carvin electric, and Ibanez's answer to the Les Paul (my main guitar).
I also just got a Boss GT-6 multi-effects processor off eBay, so I'm pretty excited about messing around with that when it gets here.

I played with different groups through most of college, and now that I've graduated and am back in St. Louis with my drummer from college, we're fishing around for a few guys to get our band going again.
# 1

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12/04/2007 11:21 pm
Hi and Welcome to GT.

I'd like to get my hand on a Carvin one day. Only heard good things about them.
# 2
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12/05/2007 9:12 am
Good to meet you man... :)

Check out my music, video, lessons & backing tracks here![br]

# 3
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Joined: 11/26/07
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Joined: 11/26/07
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12/08/2007 6:52 pm
yeah, when I first started electric, my uncle had mostly carvin equipment so naturally that's what I've gravitated towards

haven't played any current carvin's, but the ones from the 80s were definitely some solid guitars
# 4

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