Not to leave out movies like Spinal Tap and Crossroads, but SKoM isn't fiction.
Some Kind of...

The subtitle to this forum made me think of this. Have any of you seen Metallica's Some Kind of Monster? And if so, what are your thoughts?
Not to leave out movies like Spinal Tap and Crossroads, but SKoM isn't fiction.
Not to leave out movies like Spinal Tap and Crossroads, but SKoM isn't fiction.
# 1

The movie actually made me lke metallica again (after load), and helped me to undestrand St. Anger, sure... it would be intresting to have some kind of directors cut (couse it's being very discussed that James and Lars could have A LOT to do in the editting room, being such control freaks they both are).
I think it's honest in some points... i really like the catarthic chat with Dave Mustaine, and some of the fights... but I'm aware that maybe it's just what Metallica wanted us to see bout Metallica's problems.
Bottom line I like it enought to buy it and watch it a couple of times.
I think it's honest in some points... i really like the catarthic chat with Dave Mustaine, and some of the fights... but I'm aware that maybe it's just what Metallica wanted us to see bout Metallica's problems.
Bottom line I like it enought to buy it and watch it a couple of times.
Power corrupts. Absolute power is kinda neat.
# 2

I liked the movie a lot, but I honestly didn't really care for the album. They're not the Metallica they once were.
# 3

What about the band dynamics and how it translates into the bands of the rest of us? I've only seen a part of the movie, and I'm wondering if it would help to watch the rest. Spinal Tap had a way of addressing real issues in a humorous manner, and I'm wondering if, in the end, Some Kind of Monster proved to be helpful at all.
# 4

Yeah, you have to watch the whole movie.
# 5

Hated the album but loved the movie, great insight into the band and the story behind their worst album - not surprising considering the state of their relationships, the strange therapist guy and Bob Frock taking over... also good to see how pissed Kirk was when they told him there would be no solos :eek:
I would really love to see them follow up the same idea with the recording of the new album - excellent new bass player and following the terrible reception of the last album. If the new album is any good another rockumentary behind the turn around would be great to watch.
I would really love to see them follow up the same idea with the recording of the new album - excellent new bass player and following the terrible reception of the last album. If the new album is any good another rockumentary behind the turn around would be great to watch.
# 6

Before watching Some Kind of Monster I made Lars out to be the villain of Metallica for some reason. After watching the movie I was surprised at the type of guys the band was composed of.
I liked Lars quite a bit more after seeing the movie. Kirk as well. I really thought it was cool that they went to see Jason preform with his new band. I also really liked that those two at least seemed to take the music seriously.
My feelings about James went from he's probably a bad ass to man I'm sort of happy I don't have to hang out with that guy. Maybe he'll grow a set before they release a new album.
I liked Lars quite a bit more after seeing the movie. Kirk as well. I really thought it was cool that they went to see Jason preform with his new band. I also really liked that those two at least seemed to take the music seriously.
My feelings about James went from he's probably a bad ass to man I'm sort of happy I don't have to hang out with that guy. Maybe he'll grow a set before they release a new album.
# 7

um yeah actually that is fiction.
i mean not all of it, but the retarded scenes with all the drama, it was like a freakin reality show.
i mean not all of it, but the retarded scenes with all the drama, it was like a freakin reality show.
# 8

Having been in front of a camera myself, I kind of uspected that. It's almost impossible for a film crew to capture candid drama, and not much more easy to capture candid in general.
I guess I'll stick to documentaries.
I guess I'll stick to documentaries.
# 9

I will definitely go check that out Draven. After St. Anger I pretty much lost interest in them completely but this interests me.
Randy Johnson
"You cannot fail without your consent:
you cannot succeed without your participation."
- Dr. Rob Thompson
"You cannot fail without your consent:
you cannot succeed without your participation."
- Dr. Rob Thompson
# 10

I haven't had the chance to check out the movie yet but definitely want to see it. I love seeing the behind the scenes type of stuff with bands. I'm sure (as Draven and jamesplaysguitar said)it's not as candid as it could be but there aren't to many other bands that would even bother doing such a movie in the first place. Not even Gene Simmons would go there. :D I give Metallica credit for that.
# 11

Seriously if you look at it you will see it was a pretty brave move, they don't come off very well (James and Lars). The whole rock star thing kind of went to their head but it explains a lot about the sound of St Anger - interesting to see them in the studio with ProTools. Apparantly the new album is all being recorded direct to tape - no fancy edits or cuts in the digital world, pure analogue. Sounds like it will be great.... once James goes back to basics and forgets about being melodic :p
# 12