OK , moving up from 5ths to 9ths... try this one out...

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11/17/2007 8:15 pm
alotta guitarists don't like to throw out their best stuff for fear of hearing it by some other cat in some club and knowing it's yer lick... I do not have this fear , in fact , I hope to inspire others to share the wealth... OK THEN , a ways back Joe Satriani came up w/ a lick which he did w/ HIS FRET HAND ONLY and HE placed a bandana tied around the NUT down on the neck to avoid open string noise...

the lick consisted of taking any root note on the 6th string let's use F# second fret low E string... first tie a bandana or some kind of muting apperatus around the nut as to block open strings... :eek: if F# is too difficult try this lick in a higher position or key...

ok , fretting the F# w/ you'r 1st finger on the 2nd fret low E string
fret from the F# to the C# on the 5th string 4th fret w/ yer 2nd finger

so far it's Root to Fifth

now go to the 9th w/ your pinky so w/ one hand fret from F#(root) C#(5th) to the (9th) G# on the 4th string 6th fret... fret one string at a time...

from here fret the 2nd fret of the third string w/ yer first finger fretting the second fret og the G string which is an A note (so far across the strings you've got F# , C# , G# , A , (EACH NOTE MOVES OVER ONE STRING)

from the A note 2nd fret G string stretch w/ yer ring finger to the E note on the 5th fret of the B string , finally ending w/ yer pinky on the 7th fret of the high E string which is a high B note..
obviously the next syep is to reverse this lick and start from the B note 7th fret high E string all the way down w/ one note on each string back to the second fret F# note on the low E string...

now all this is so far is a Joe Satriani lick which I elaborated on very dangerously and shreddified !!! firsty to hear the lick i am about to write for you in actual speed : download "LOADED GUN" by TRIPHAMMER on

(wait for the outro of the song to hear the outro solo which this lick starts off and absoluetly kills !!!) theres 3 solos in the song the first is played by my partner in TRIPHAMMER Danny Dykes THE SECOND AND FINAL OUTRO SOLOS IN F# ARE PLAYED BY ME ... THE OUTRO SOLO IS THE ONE W/ THE LICK I'M ABOUT TO POST !!!

MOVING UP AN OCTAVE TO THE SAME LICK IN THE 14th Position of F# on THE low E string

: start by fretting the 14th fret F# , NOW INSTEADAH GOING TO THE FIFTH GO RIGHT TO THE 9th tone on the 18th fret 4TH STRING which is G# skipping then jumping back to the 5th string playing the C# on the 16th fret...

so far the fretting looks like this 14th fret F# on 6th string , (skip over 5th string to) 18th fret G# on 4th string , (back to) 16th fret C# note... from here you've gotta jump over w/ yer first finger to the A note on the 14th fret 3rd string , now from the 14th fret A note descend down the 4th string from the 18th fret to , 16th , to the 14th fret E note on the 4th string...

from here the process changes just a bit so from where you've left off at the (E note 14th fret 4th string) go straight to the "FIFTH OF" this E note on the (16th fret B note on the third string) then back to the (E note 14th fret 4th string) now you've gotta get the skipping thing going on again...

: so from the last (E note 14th fret 4th string) , skip over w/ yer pinky to the (high F#on the 19th fret 2nd string) , from here go back to the (16th fret B note on the 3rd string) then back to the (14th fret E note on the 4th string) alas now we will finalize this most intense hel#afied metal lick by skipping from (the 14th fret E note on the 4th string) to the (19th fret highest B note 1st string or high E string , BTW. this is the highest B note "YOU" can possibly hit on a 22 fret guitar) now the end comes from moving a fifth down from the highest 19th fret B note to an (E note on the 17th fret 2nd string) right back down and over to a (14th fret A note on the 3rd string)...

this lick is something I'm very proud of but still willing to throw it out there and see if you guys can handle it... it's just the beginning of an intense outro solo in which I did three of the highest pitch dimebag darrell whammy bar pullups that on the last one i dislocated and pulled the bridge out entirely , right outta my jackson ole skool randy rhoads V which has since been repaired thankfully... the pull ups , even the one when i ripped the danng whammy bar right out of the bridge !!! remained on the recording of the track "Loaded Gun"... you'll hear a kinda huge thud at the very end of the track if you listen carefully , that's me sacrificing my axe for art !!!

Franky Stephen M.

again : www.myspace.com/triphammermetal (loaded gun) download it !!!
# 1
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11/21/2007 12:58 am

here we go !!!

12ths are natural harmonics , / = slide down , / = hammer on \ = and pull off

-------12-----------------------------0---------------------------- ------
-----12--12------------------------ 0---0-------------------------------0-
---12---- 12--11-----------------2------0----------------------------0--
----------- - -- -----------9---------------- 2----------------------2---
-----------------------------------------------2 / 3 \ 2 \ 0 0--0-/-3

-------------------------------- - 4---9---------- ---9--8/9/11\9\8---
------------------------------- 5---------------------------------7/9/10
------------------------------ 7--------------------------------------
----------------------------- 0---------------------------------------

----------------------------------------------7---12-\7-----15 /12------
------------------------------------- 4 / 9------------ ---9-----------12
-------6/7/9\7\6---------------- 7----------------------------------------

---11/12/14\12\11-------------------------------------------- ----4 / 7 \ 4
------------------10/12/13\12\10---------------------------- ---5-----
-------------------------------------8/9/11\9\8--------------- 4---------

the A minor sweep from the 7th fret D string after the 4th note 6th fret is my own embellishment , but it works just fine , in fact it adds a little more of a challenge... :eek: :D

------7--6--7------------------7-------12--------------- 12---------

12th frets are natural harmonics before C maj arpeggio at 10th fret A string
the crescendo or end begins with the pull offs from 7 th to 3rd fret E minor
reversed arpeggios...

---------------------- 8-/-12-\-8----------5 / 8 \ 5----7\3------3\0----
----- 12-------------8-----------8---- ---6--------6-------5------- 0---
---12---12- 12-----9--------------9-----5-----------5--------4-------0--
--------- 12---- 10--------------------7----------------------------------

---3\0----5\2----3\0---- 7\3---------------------------------0------
------ 1------4------1-------5-----5---------------------- --0------
-------- 0------5----- 0-------4--4----4-------------------- 0------
--------------------------------------5--- -5--------------- 2------
---------------------------------------- 7--- --7-------------2------

once again let me stress the fact that I am new to tabbing online but I'm pretty darn sure this is extremely accurate...

I've been playing and studying il maestro Malmsteen for many yr's and I consider myself very in touch w/ his speed , dexterity , arpeggios , feeling , and intense passion.. I love Yngwie J. Malmsteen's brilliant STYLE AND FINNESE !!!

hope this was helpful...happy to do it...!!!

Franky M.
# 2
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11/21/2007 11:29 am
Now this is interesting! Good job.
# 3
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11/21/2007 2:57 pm
Wow, nice work tabbing these arps out, they look differetn to the way I approach them but use the same picking pattern as opposed to the diagonal hammer on off method. WIll give them a whirl for sure, thanks for the post!
# 4
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11/21/2007 8:22 pm
Wow, some excellent lead shredding through on those track, very 80's vocals;-) Cool for the time, remember those days well! Really cool rhythm sections Frank, tight as hell. Couldn't find Loaded Gun on your page though, checked out Flies and not sure the name of the other that payed when the page opened but it had a wicked syncopated rhythm with some killer solos. Will be back for another listen but I have to change nappies now!
# 5
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11/21/2007 9:50 pm
perhaps i'll stick aroud juuuust a bit longer , youguys have displayed some very very kind words , I WAS REALY AND TRUELY DOWN ON MYSELF BUT AFTER HEARING SOME VERY KIND WORDS FROM SUPERHUMAN , A TRUE MONSTER OF A SHREDDER , IT LIFTED ME UP FROM FEELING SO DOWN ... TRY AND UNDERSTTAND WHEN I GET APROACHED IN ANY NEGATORY WAY REGARDING THE GUITAR I TEND TO SHY AWAY... The Life's That's Left" and "Reflections" are 2 songs from the ole early 90's which I'm exteeeemely proud of the songwriting , as well as more tasteful solos , even thoughou "Life" is a monster lead attack in the vein of ole school Schenker and even some mellow Malmsteen... Superhuman , to hear the kind words from you brings me great joy and happiness... YOU ARE AN IDOL OF MNE W/IN THESE THREADS... I'VE HEARD SOME DOWNRIGHT SCARIFIED SOLOING & SHREDDING !!! I THAN K YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART BRO !!!
Try to understand that I'm still BATTLING W/ SELF ESTEEM SO I TURN IT ALL TWDS. THE GUITAR AND MY TRUEST LOVE OF MUSIC !!! MY legs and half of my torso have been permanently damaged in a motorcycle accident in early 2005... BUT THANK GOD MY ARMS STILL WORK 'two arms , ten fingers , still in tact despite a deathlike accident...!!! I think I'll choose to stick aroound thanks to the kind words of whom I've no doubt is the darn best guitar player w/in our little community and he is clearly "Superhuman"'... thanks for helping me raise up my self-esteem , as well as all the kind words... I never knew I'd be so da^n sensitive & THIN SKINNED , but the minute I GET NEGATORY WORDS , I START TO DOUBT MYSELF... SO TO ALL OF YOU , i Sincerely Thank from the bottom of my heart...

"SUPERHUMAN" , I AM AWARE AND AGREE W/ YOUR 80's vocals comment , if you have an more spare time check out "The Life's that's Left"
@ www.myspace.com/triphammermetal for very Schenker and , as I said mellow Malmsteen... thank you so much for checking out "Flies"... i BELIEVE I AM A BIT MORE OLD SCHOOL THAN YOU JEEZUS YOU BUURN HEAVY AND HOT BRO !!!

my favorite and most sik track I love BY YOU IS THE FIRST ONE "Hellucinaton" BUT THERE ARE 2 OTHERS WHOSE NAMES ESCAPE ME AT THE MOMENT !!! Dude you are terrifying , in a great way !!!! and the fact that your music theory knowlege is not that great , (YOUR WORDS IF I REMEMBER CORRECTLY) , makes you that much more of a total fkn mystery... you are AWWWEEESSOME BRO !!!

remember www.myspace.com/tripammermetal

SETLIST : 1.) THE LIFE THAT'S LEFT , 2.)THE REAL WORLD , 3.)SUBJECT HUMAN (insane harmonized arps) , 4.)UNDER ONE GOD (great leads Dan 1st , myself 2nd) , 5.) FLIES (great legato me 1st Dan 2nd) , 6.) REFLECTIONS (tasty lead playing) , 7.) LOADED GUN (my prouest leads , Danny does the 1st and I do the 2nd 2) , 8.) EARLY GRAVE (our attempt at a more A.I.C. sound , dunno if it really worked , but...)


SETLIST : 1.) MORE (no solos) , 2.) BREAKDOWN (cool leads but aimig for less shred) , 3.) WAR IS ON (no solos) , 4.) NO CHANCE (cool lead in F#)

(triphammer 95 was a way more attempt at ba&ls out pantera metal meets the melvins meets the cro mags WAY WAY WAY LESS MELODIC AND WAYYY HARDER...

(CHECK IT OUT , it's great metal , and I ain't goin nowhere)

God Bless , all the best to all of you !!!
# 6

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