I've been looking at getting something radical to get a new sound and am seriously considering an LGM Leviathon.
Spec is as follows.....
- 8 strings
- 36 frets (a whole extra octave to play with on the upper end a an extremely deep crunch off the lower F#)
- scaloped maple fretboard
- polished maple neck
- alder body
- Seymour Duncan Screaming Demon 8's pups - specifially designed to be mud free on the low end
- fixed bridge
- black hardware (don't like the gold option)
- Either deep black or 'Arcticburst' finish on the body and headstock (leaning toward the arcticburst but with a maple fretboard).
(the 36 fret 8 string option can be seen on the last two on the page - I prefer a regular maple fretboard than the exotic woods myself)
It's pricey but I've had a good year so I'm thinking of treating myself:-) Anone ever try one or know anything about LGM? I've only heard good things myself so far.
Thinking of getting something crazy

# 1

I checked out the website for the guitar and those things are Freaking WICKED! They look like they could shred all by themselves! 8 strings... that scares me. I played a 7 string the other day for about 10 minutes and it had me all messed up. Let me know if you take the leap. Then record something and let us hear it. :)
# 2

OK so we know what Vai and others who made 7 strings popular can do with them. Here's the other end of the spectrum. This guy has it with nylon and fingerpicks it. I've heard him live at Salamanca markets in Hobart and it really took me to another place. I have one of his albums and really enjoy listening for a chill. See what you think... A little different from what we are focusing on of late...
Cary Lewincamp
Cary Lewincamp
Spedzar - "the sound of one hand tapping"...
# 3

# 4

In and around 2.7K (but because of international exchange rates at the moment this is working out a lot cheaper for me on my end - now is the time to buy expensive guitars from the US!) - as I said they are not cheap but they are extremely collectable and are likely to increase in value (especially if LGM gets bought out by one of the other giants and forced into line production models). For me though, this guitar is all about over indulgence and taking my music way outside the box. I've decided to go with the Arcticburst finish - looks really cool - love the shape of the guitar too, this will also be the first guitar I have ever bought without a tremelo system - the 8 strings only come with a fixed bridge to ensure stability and tuning. It's going to take a couple of months to be completed and arrive but as soon as it does I will post pics and an 'extreme shred' track;-)
# 5
# 6

Exactly which one are you getting, is it on the page in that link?
By the way, did anyone else see that panther 7-string in the graphix section? that thing is awesome.
By the way, did anyone else see that panther 7-string in the graphix section? that thing is awesome.
# 7

Originally Posted by: Sasuke199Exactly which one are you getting, is it on the page in that link?
By the way, did anyone else see that panther 7-string in the graphix section? that thing is awesome.
The Arcticburst is the 5th one down (the cool looking scifi blue burst) but not with the that fretboard - I'll go regular maple but scaloped. The 36 fret eight strings are the last two axes on the page.
# 8

So basically just use my imagination then? That looks like a killer axe. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDhg9zKqnzk You should see if you could get Rusty Cooley to break it in for you lol. Please post some pictures and sound samples when you get it.
# 9