so i have had many topics about buying a new amp my mmost recent was "cheap practice amps" and i couldnt afford the amp i want right now. so i started really looking at vox amps. first at the da5 but then at others, i saw the ad30vt and ad30vt xl and decided to go over to guitar center and try them out. well they didnt have the xl yet but i tried to ad30vt and it sounds great.
it has some great chunky distortion some classic bluesy dist and some amazing clean amp models. through my les paul (with gibson pickups 490r 498t) it just had that bright clear gain that just sings with every note. through my fender i almost got that jimmi hendrix "the wind cries" reverbing clean with out even monkeying with the settings. i only paid $240 for it and its even a tube amp with other tube amp models.
the only drawback i can see so far is figureing out how to save my own presets. i have touched any thing like this since i sold my j-station.
would someone please pass the koolaid im getting thursty again.
They say the END is near, but I'm Tired of waiting.