Hey there fellow guitarists...
Here I'm messing around with test recording with my newly acquired effect and digital recorder.
I'm playing just a few bars of 'Far Beyond the sun' of Yngwie.
I would like some comments on the sound of the guitars, tonewise, effect wise. Im really trying to get the right sound.
Also, what does the mix sound like? :o Practicing my mixing and mastering techniques.
Comments all welcome
Sound Test

# 1

Think you've nailed a pretty damn fine tone there Shaz - the Yngwie tone is a bit glassier becuase of the single coil pickup on the strat he uses (I prefer the humbucker sound myself). That's a good tone you've created though, very clear for fast runs and you get the tonal variations from each string nicely (should work great for 5 and 6 string sweeps). If you are going to use a heavier delay or reverb at all for recording I would recommend doing it 'post recording' - but I actually like the tone as it is. Re your take on the track - excellent as usual, nothing to improve on there - technique and clarity are spot on. Great to see you getting away from the Satch sound and getting some new influences - recognised some neo-classical touches in your last track! A lot of people bitch about Yngwie but I think he is an amazing guitarist - great to learn from. Not into the songs with singing but his instrumentals kics ass.
# 2

Thanks for listening Super. I agree about the delay and reverb in post.
It's taken me a while to get the sound as close to my expectations. I think I'm still not satisfied with my sound, but I think its the best quality that I am capable of sustaing right now.
Anyways, thanks for your advice fellow shredder :cool:
It's taken me a while to get the sound as close to my expectations. I think I'm still not satisfied with my sound, but I think its the best quality that I am capable of sustaing right now.
Anyways, thanks for your advice fellow shredder :cool:
# 3