View post (What kind of email is this I have no clue)

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Joined: 02/03/05
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08/08/2007 8:46 am
/Computer Geek Hat = ON

Spam filters etc used by ISPs use a farily complex scoring system to determine if the message is valid. It used to be that spammers filled their messages with random characters so they appeared to be real messages, but then the scanning software got more sophistocated and the spammers staretd using real language to get around them.

Then it got randomised because the software searches on certain strings etc, so you get the kind of babble you've posted above. The latest technique is to embed all the info in a graphic and send that - way harder to scan and differentiate from real email.

Just delete it - if it's a dodgy one NEVER try to remove yourself from the mailing list - alll you're doing is proving the email address is active, and you'll get more spam... You could report it to your ISP - they should be stopping it really...

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