Deathly Hallows?

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07/23/2007 5:12 pm
Hello, all

Just wondering if anyone else has been glued to the new Harry Potter book since Saturday like I have. Don't give away any details, as I'm only on page 650, and we want to be fair to those who haven't read it yet, but I'm curious as to your reactions to it.

So far I'll only say that it is as riveting as all the others. Much to my wife's consternation, I can't put it down!! I will also say that it is VERY dark and depressing so far, predictable that it would be that way, but it is, even more so than I expected. I can't wait to see how it ends and everything unravels!!!

Well, back to my reading!!! You all have a fantabulous day, I'll check in soon.

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# 1
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07/23/2007 7:31 pm
Yeah - I got mine at midnight Friday night... I'm finished. It was great - I loved it.

I'm just sad there won't be any more. I don't want it to end.

Definately a lot of death in this book... I think it will be hard for a lot of fans to come to grips with the deaths. A huge sense of loss for me.
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# 2
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07/23/2007 7:47 pm
I read it on the internet 2 weeks before it was relased...

and by read I mean I skimmed through it for spoilers because thats all I care about.
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# 3
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07/23/2007 8:09 pm
Ahhh, Thraxon, you missed out on all the fun! It, like all the others, was VERY well written .

I would say it was probably on of the best of the 7. Yes, lots of death, more than I would have liked, but also enough new twists and knowledge, and a few suprises, to get me past all that. I must admit I teared up a bit at the end.

I'm bummed about the questions I don't know the answers to. What did Harry do next? How does he make his living? An Auror (or are Aurors even needed), quiddich player, I had guessed he might teach defense against the dark arts at Hogwarts, but that's not possible. So, what does Harry do now that he's of age, and his days of hunting Volemort are over?

All in all, a fantastic book! I look forward to hearing other reviews, or even speculations about the unanswered questions!!!

Well, back to my guitar now!! ;)

[FONT=Comic Sans MS]"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" (even learn how to play this silly instrument!! ;) )[/FONT]
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07/24/2007 1:22 pm
Yeah.. that was one of the questions I had too... I wanted to know what Harry did do for a living... if anything... His father didn't have a career, so maybe he didn't as well.

I'm sure JK Rowling will likely answer that question later on her website if there is enough people asking the question.

I cried too once Harry learned the true proficy and what it meant... I'm glad it turned out the way it did though.
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07/26/2007 10:01 pm
I only read the first one, and by read the first one I mean I listened to the audio book ahahaha... I dont like to read at all
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07/27/2007 2:02 am
I read it straight through on Saturday. I thought it was quite predictable except for who bought the farm. Other than that I thought the Epilogue was quite short and could've had a bit moire to it. All in all pretty good stuff.
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# 7
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07/27/2007 3:07 pm
to be honest i thought large chunks of the book were quite boring but there were plenty of good twists and unexpected bits that kept me interested and it got alot better towards the end, and the epilouge was pretty rubbish in my opinion she could have done alot more unlesss she's expecting to write more books to fill in the 19 years
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# 8
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07/27/2007 3:43 pm
Oh man! I loved it. Alot of it was as I predicted (yes, I am/was one of those guys who got really into it, re-read all the books and tried to formulate what would happen in the last one) although alot of what i read into it was excessive and untrue, or not included.

Anyway, I've heard quite a few ppl say they thought it was boring and a bit of a let down...weird...mostly girls tho.

Anyway, I also have some questions that I want answered.

I want the link between Petunia and Dumbledore explained better. In the Order Of The Phoenix, Petunia receives a letter from Dumbly that says "Remember my last"...what was that about? I want the details behind that.

I also want to know how Neville got the sword at the end? by Showing loyalty to the school? Earlier (in Chamber of Secrets) Dumbly said that any Gryffandor in need could call on the sword...did Nev do that?

I am very very very happy that Harry paid tribute to "The Bravest Wizard I knew"...(not gonna mess it up for anyone who hasn't read it)...I almost cried when I read his sons middle name.

What fascinates me is the age of Harry's folks. They were both just 21 when they died? This shows Rowling was British, because only there do most people havbe 1 year old babies at 21...I'm 21 and not even nearly close to having a kid or wife...
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07/27/2007 9:06 pm
yeah.. those questions are good ones... however, I'm sure i read somewhere the explanation of Rowlings answer to the Petunia and Dumbledore's coorespondence... I'm sure it meant his letter to her when he sent Harry to live with her, and where she replied with a promise to look after him.

I believe that Neville did pull the sword out of the sorting hat as Harry had done in the chamber of secrets... As Dumbledore had said... "Only a true Griffindor could pull the sword out of that hat"...

I'm confused about some of the weird wording in the last chapter, where it was meantioned that someone developed magic late in life.... was that Filch she was talking about???

And i still want to know what Harry chose to do as a career, he spent a lot of time in previous books wondering about that...

Anyways.. I loved the book... I wish it had more information in it... but enjoyed it none the less.
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07/29/2007 5:22 pm
Yay Death!
JK :cool:

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# 11
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07/30/2007 12:38 am
Only page 650? Geez. How big is the thing?
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07/30/2007 10:54 am
haha.. just caught that.. mine is only 607 pages in total.. :D
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# 13
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08/02/2007 2:53 pm
For those who are interested, I was given this link which is an interview with JK Rowling and she gives detailed information about what happens next... Pretty cool.
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# 14

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