What? A birthday?

Humble student
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Humble student
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07/19/2007 11:11 am
Yo, yo... looks like there's a birthday in our midsts...

Happy Birthday Eric! Enjoy. And, as I have said before and I meant it, there is no such thing as too much cake!!! :D
[FONT=Tahoma]"All I can do is be me ... whoever that is". Bob Dylan [/FONT]
# 1
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07/19/2007 12:29 pm

Ill be back later to celebrate, I got work... :mad:

Happy Berf day Erix!
Ibanez Rg 4 life... Word XD
# 2
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07/19/2007 12:32 pm
Happy Birthday Eric! :cool:

Check out my music, video, lessons & backing tracks here![br]https://www.renhimself.com

# 3
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07/19/2007 1:08 pm
Happy B-day man!

Edit: People need to be more specific of which Eric. :o
"During this line, the kid acted like he was pushing buttons on a calculator in the air. The kid played ******* air-calculator!"

# 4
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07/19/2007 4:59 pm
Thanks fellas. Got a long weekend of partying and gigging planned. :)
For life is quite absurd and death's the final word, You must always face the curtain with a bow
Forget about your sin - give the audience a grin
Enjoy it - it's your last chance anyhow.

# 5
Fret spider
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Fret spider
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07/19/2007 6:19 pm
happy bday have a great one.
# 6
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07/19/2007 7:14 pm
Hey Eric, Eat Em and Smile :p
The Mind Is A Terrible Think To Waste.
# 7
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07/19/2007 7:24 pm
Keep rockin dude :cool:
Strat totin
Six string slingin
Son of a gun

I met my maker, i made him cry, and on my shoulder he asked me why, his people won't fly thru the storm, i said, listen here man they don't even know your born.

strat-man rocks with vox
# 8
Humble student
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07/19/2007 9:45 pm
Originally Posted by: elklanderccHappy B-day man!

Edit: People need to be more specific of which Eric. :o

*Well color me red - my fault. I should have been more specific when I created the thread...* :o
[FONT=Tahoma]"All I can do is be me ... whoever that is". Bob Dylan [/FONT]
# 9
Bar Chord Nick
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Bar Chord Nick
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07/20/2007 1:48 am
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!
# 10
earthman buck
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earthman buck
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07/20/2007 3:10 am
Hey, weird! Isn't it PRSplaya-Eric's birthday too???

Happy birthday, little cablefriend! Welcome to adulthood!
# 11
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07/22/2007 10:46 pm
Thankyou all. Adulthood sucks...now it's actually legal for me to play in bars.
For life is quite absurd and death's the final word, You must always face the curtain with a bow
Forget about your sin - give the audience a grin
Enjoy it - it's your last chance anyhow.

# 12

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