Just starting out.

Registered User
Joined: 06/17/07
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Joined: 06/17/07
Posts: 5
07/19/2007 2:10 am
whats up everyone, I'm a 38 year old male who is just learning to play. I have always wanted to learn to play and now I can afford to. I have alot of cool stuff and 3 guitars,120 watt amp, but I am still having trouble. I just dont know where to start. I like my electric, but I also like my acustic. what should I learn on first? and should I learn all the cords first or are there other short cuts? What do you guys think about trying to learn tabs first? I like this site and I am a full member, I just think there are things they are not saying, or I'm just not getting it? a little help would be great.


# 1
Registered User
Joined: 10/29/06
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Joined: 10/29/06
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07/19/2007 6:08 am
Hey welcome to GT!

I suggest following the absolute begginers guide, step by step. As a new player, it is most important to learn the basic chords first. With your knoledge of the basic chords, you can play litterally hundreds and hundreds of songs, plus once you learn the chords, then you can start learning picking techniques, and scales for soloing!

When you are just starting out, a electric will be easier to play because the steel strings on an acoustic are alot harder to push down and tougher on your fingers. Though keep in mind, learning on an acoustic will build your finger strength much quicker then with an electric.

I learned to play the basic chords an acoustic, and then when I started scales I went to my electric. Do whatever feels best for you.
Ibanez Rg 4 life... Word XD
# 2
Humble student
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Humble student
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07/19/2007 11:08 am
Welcome to GT! You'll learn alot here. Enjoy! :)
[FONT=Tahoma]"All I can do is be me ... whoever that is". Bob Dylan [/FONT]
# 3

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Joined: 02/12/25
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07/19/2007 12:22 pm
Hello Drew,

a good place to start is the beginners guide


Once you have gone through it all, check out our new questions sections


You can get tutorials about specific technique in the technique section


You could also take a few minutes to check out the different instructors and decide which one covers the style you are looking for. Then you can take a look at their lesson and sort them by difficulty level by using the drop lists under Difficulty.

Also, you could use the left side of the site and choose lessons by styles or by inspiration (if you want to learn material in the style of one of your favorite guitar player).

I hope this helps you navigate through the site and help you find lessons you'll like.

let us know how it goes and Welcome to GT!
# 4

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